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Logistics people must see: why does the premier pay special attention to these people at the critical moment?

Release Time:2022-06-09 06:57:29 View:1340

The following article is from the Chinese business strategy, written by the Chinese business strategy

Source / China business strategy (id:hstl8888)

Author / fenghongping

On June 1, Shanghai was "unsealed", and the mega city that had pressed the pause button for two months began to recover its vitality.

Truck drivers who became "street mice" in the epidemic have also returned to normal.

There are 20million truck drivers in China. They are far away from the sight of urban residents. Like invisible people, they carry 79% of the freight volume and 33% of the freight turnover of the whole society. The development of China's economy is largely based on their faster and smoother running.

The fruits and vegetables in big cities depend on them to be transported from the origin to the wholesale market. In the past, there were many obstacles and checkpoints hindering them. The epidemic situation made all this worse and even brought it to a standstill.

When "stabilizing the overall economic market" has become an urgent task for the current government, it has become a major concern for Premier Li Keqiang to let truck drivers run and ensure smooth logistics.


The truck drivers suffered too much under the epidemic

Since March, Zhang Zhi, a 51 year old Anhui truck driver, has been "living in the wilderness" along the roadside in Pudong, Shanghai for more than 80 days.

After delivering the goods to Jinqiao, Pudong, he planned to take a batch of goods from Shanghai to Anhui. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a day, he could not get on the highway because of the star in the travel code. Then the surrounding area was isolated, and he had to drive a truck to wander around, taking the road as his home.

A simple stove is made of iron sheet. It uses tree branches as fuel and drinks fire water. Fortunately, there are many noodles on the car. It makes a living every day.

Seeing the video of his real experience, Zhang Zhinian's mother, nearly 90 years old, cried bitterly.

At this time, Zhang Zhi has returned to Mengcheng, Anhui Province, and is waiting for the call of his boss.

Zhang Zhi has been a truck driver for 5 years.

In April last year, he used his savings and loans for many years to buy a 6-meter-8 Oriental van. He repaid a loan of 4999 yuan a month and was attached to a freight company in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province.

At first, I could earn up to 7000 yuan a month. Later, the supply of goods became less and less. I made 200 yuan from Zhangjiagang to Suzhou in a day or two.

Six months later, he changed hands at a price of 130000 yuan. On March 1, he came to Shanghai from Zhangjiagang to work as a truck driver for a fellow boss. The boss promised him 9000 yuan a month, which made him very satisfied.

However, within a few days, Shanghai was closed, and a large number of truck drivers without passes were sealed in the city. The same large number of long-distance drivers were sealed in the Yangtze River Delta and the national highway exits. Therefore, there was a absurd story of "survival in the wilderness".

Liaoning's "whole sister who drives a truck" also has a similar experience. She is the beauty ceiling among truck drivers. She has more than 2 million fans in Kwai and often shares her driving experience.

Quan Mei drives a Jiefang j6p that transports fresh food. After the Spring Festival this year, she rarely receives live food. "She used to drive to sleep until she woke up naturally. Now she can't go anywhere. The landlord urges her to pay the rent and the bank urges her to repay the loan. They all stop and dare not run, but where does the money come from?"

In April, she took a job of transporting apples from Yingkou to Guangzhou, nearly 2800 kilometers.

On the way, the truck broke down a little and needed to be repaired. When the tire was smashed, she had to find a place to repair it. She was able to deal with it smoothly and even did it herself. However, she took a lot of trouble to refuel. Many service areas had limited or no oil. It was not easy to find a long queue, but what worried her most was that the oil price had risen again.

One day, she asked her fans: give me a bucket of the gas. It's used this time. Guess what it's for? Fans answer: everyone understands.

The car door is sealed, so there is no need to refuel. The driver lives in a few square meters. In order not to go to the toilet, he has to eat and drink less. When he has to go to the toilet, he has to use a bucket to solve the problem.

In order to prevent and control the epidemic, similar measures have been adopted throughout the country. When the truck is loaded and the door is sealed, it can get on the expressway. When getting off the truck, it needs to be reported in advance and picked up by the owner, and the nucleic acid test report shall be submitted.

If there is an epidemic in the passing city, if the travel time exceeds 4 hours, the travel code will be marked with stars. The driver can not get off the highway, either return to the same road, or ask the driver to help you drive away.

But Quan Mei arrived in Guangzhou smoothly. What she agreed with the shipper was not to unload the goods until they arrived, but the shipper didn't sell much in the past twoorthree days, so she asked the shipper to discuss whether she could unload the goods. "The freight was not much, and it would be more uneconomical to deposit the car."

The owner was a young man who was easy to negotiate and handle affairs. He immediately contacted the warehouse and the stevedore to unload the goods. Quan Mei spent more than 570 yuan on entrance fees in the past three days. The first thing she did was to fill up the gas. I don't know what the oil price has become.

I stayed in Guangzhou parking lot for 3 days and changed 3 security guards. She has been out for half a month and hasn't washed her clothes. She washed them when the weather was fine.

When she went to the market to buy vegetables, she found that the price of vegetables had gone up by a wide margin. Vegetables were more expensive than meat. She bought chops, potatoes and fish, and had a good meal with the card friends in the parking lot.

However, the goods originally ordered were all yellow. She had gone to Hainan, but Hainan was under strict control and could not get in again. Around her, there were more than 100 trucks parked in the parking lot, and there was no supply of goods.

Quan Mei said that the drivers under the epidemic were really hard. In the market or on the way, they are locked in the cockpit of several square meters, afraid to eat or drink. Traffic jams are common, and they can't find a place to make nucleic acid. They are driven everywhere at the intersection of the highway. The policies of each place are different, so they can only take one step at a time.

Many drivers can only stop after one step. In Hefei, Anhui Province, a group of drivers are stopping at the roadside to dry up.

"Black brother with card friends" is a local online celebrity driver. In May, he and Anhui Federation of trade unions sent them some materials.

Brother Hei asked them if they had found the goods. The drivers replied that they hadn't found them yet. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai didn't dare to go to the expressway. It was difficult to get off. Wuhu couldn't go either. They wanted to go to Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei. But there was too little work there. They were robbed as soon as they came out of the platform.

Brother Hei comforted them. It's best to find the goods. If you can't find the goods, here are a group of brothers. Let's cook together.

The drivers said that they could only live in the car if they couldn't find the goods. They had to be isolated when they came home. If they didn't tell the cost themselves, it would affect the children's schooling. A driver was a new car and bought it with a loan. He paid back more than 13000 yuan a month. At the end of the month, he locked the car without enough money.

But they are glad to be in Hefei. In order to make the nucleic acid results come out as soon as possible and reduce congestion, Hefei high tech Zone drove the nucleic acid car to the intersection of the expressway. They were very warm-hearted and explained how to do nucleic acid, when to get the results and when to leave.

A driver said that all parts of the country should learn from Hefei, which is the most human. You are not allowed to get off the highway at other places, nor do you look at your code. Brother Hei said that the more he didn't want to take responsibility, the more strict he was in charge and cut across the board.

However, in the face of epidemic prevention personnel and traffic control personnel, their survival experience tells them that they can only smile.

Once, Quan Mei ran back and forth for four times to get off the highway. The first time the cargo owner came late, he stood aside and waited for five minutes. He was turned away by the prevention and control personnel. He said he would report if he didn't go. It was too frightening, so he had to follow the command and turn around on the highway; It was not easy to wait until the owner came, but she wrote her license plate number wrong when reporting.

In order to get off the highway, she ran back and forth from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and finally came down. She could only complain about the owner: "I don't know who to share my anger with all the way. Are you ashamed of the owner's brother?"

Most of the videos sent by Quan Mei are their own life insights, "we are all running around for life", "we are all trying to live" and so on.

In a video, she asked: are you still running? Many people replied that they would not run away.


10million missing drivers

"Once the steering wheel is turned, the county magistrate will not change it." In the ordinary world, this sentence is a true portrayal of the status of truck drivers in the 1980s.

However, taking the 1990s as a watershed, with the growth of the group of truck drivers, freight rates continued to enter the downward channel. Truck drivers are still tired of traveling day and night, but their income is similar to that of 10 years ago.

The pressure of irregular life all the year round, intensified industrial infighting, potential safety hazards, complex road conditions and frequent fines has made them a social vulnerable group step by step.

According to the data of the Ministry of transport in 2017, there are more than 30million truck drivers in China. However, in the 2021 survey report on the employment of truck drivers, this figure has become more than 20 million. The economic downturn caused by the epidemic and the layers of control cards set up by various regions for epidemic prevention have made many drivers leave the industry.

According to the survey report, at present, the age of truck drivers is concentrated between 36-45 years old, and the age distribution is obviously moving up to the middle-aged and elderly age group; Rural registered residence accounts for 84.6%; Junior high school and below accounted for 67.7%; The monthly income of most drivers is 5000-10000 yuan, accounting for 57.5%.

In terms of labor intensity, most drivers will continue to drive after 8:00 p.m., and the proportion of drivers who drive for more than 3 hours after 8:00 p.m. exceeds 70%; The average driving time of drivers is 7.8 hours per day, and more than 40% of drivers have the longest continuous driving time of 12 hours or more.

Compared with the strong labor effort, the dissatisfaction rate of truck drivers with the income level reached 62.9%.

Zhang Zhi, who has lived in the wilderness for more than 80 days, said that he is not afraid of hardship as long as he can earn money by working. Brother Hei is always full of positive energy, encouraging his peers to face difficulties positively, while sister Quan, despite her complaints, still has to go around to make a living.

In addition to the epidemic control, the investigation shows that the problems faced by drivers also include high cost, fierce competition caused by non-standard market, many road blocks, unstable supply of goods and low freight income; Stealing oil, goods and "touching porcelain" are the things drivers hate most.

They also face various "targeted" measures. They are the key targets of epidemic prevention and control. Local governments have gradually increased control over truck drivers. It is common to go back and forth more than a dozen times at a time, stick seals, persuade people to return at high speed, block roads, and add stars to travel cards wantonly. Even after applying for various local codes and getting a pass for the vehicle, all regions do not recognize each other. There are hundreds of traffic notices every day, and they are not allowed to get off the expressway for various reasons.

During the period when Shanghai was closed, a large grain and oil company received an order of nearly 500 tons from Shanghai, but even though it offered a high price for 30 thousand trips, no driver was willing to accept the order. A truck driver in Shanghai asked for a price increase beyond the platform price, and was detained for "illegally making 13000 yuan" for more than a month.

20million drivers, driving a total of more than 11million trucks, have demonstrated a difficult and strong complex China on China's 4773500 km road.

One of the extreme events was that at 23:00 on April 5, 2021, jindeqiang, a 51 year old Hebei truck driver, drank pesticide and committed suicide in jiangjiaying Zhichao station, Fengrun District, Tangshan, Hebei, for fear of a fine of 2000 yuan from the vehicle positioning system. In his suicide note, he said that he was not worth 2000 yuan, but to say something for the truck driver and use his death to arouse the leaders' attention to this matter.

A few months later, a driver showed overload during the weighing test at Qingyuan checkpoint. He asked to weigh again without permission until the cutting arm was self mutilated. After weighing again, it showed that there was no overload.

There are too many problems to be reflected to the top. On the Chinese government's Internet, the drivers left a message to the premier and made many suggestions, including the hope that the blue light truck can be raised to the 9-ton gross weight limit, the reduction of high-speed charging fees, the loss of mandatory scrapped models is too large, and so on.

Most of their suggested messages did not follow. Unless they meet the prime minister himself.


Li Keqiang refuels the driver

In late May, Premier Li Keqiang met with truck drivers during his inspection tour in Yunnan. A video showed that he asked the truck drivers five questions: are you a local or a foreign driver? Are you out of town? Have you solved the problem of annual inspection and registration in different places? Do you still have to pay? How much is it?

The prime minister has obviously "come prepared" for these problems. Last May, when the premier visited Zhejiang Province, he also had a talk with the truck drivers. He asked the drivers if there were any difficulties that should be solved. Some drivers had difficulties in parking. The annual examination of some drivers' professional qualification certificates could not be sealed in other places. The premier said that this matter should be solved in one year and that it was done!

The prime minister asked again, obviously to check the implementation. Unfortunately, the "driver" in the video was obviously confused about these questions, and his answer was not what he asked. For the question of "how much to pay", one voice said "pay as much as you are allowed".

In fact, after the premier talked with the drivers last year, the Ministry of transport immediately carried out relevant work to solve the problem of annual inspection of truck drivers in different places, and the cost was also reduced.

The prime minister continued to ask if the diesel had risen by more than one yuan, but the freight had not risen. Did he digest it and how much would he pay for the car loan a month. The driver replied that he had digested the pressure of rising oil prices and would pay more than 10000 yuan a month.

After asking about the details of the manufacturer and the bank, the premier immediately decided to do one thing for the drivers: "let's go back and study it carefully and let our state-owned enterprises help you tide over the difficulties. Let's see if we can put this fee together with the bank and postpone it for you for three months to six months. OK?"

The truck driver also told him that the height of the cold chain car was four meters and two meters according to the document, and only four meters were given for some routes, but they could pass it by paying the fee.

With the care of the premier, it is estimated that these problems will be rectified soon.

There is a reason why the premier cares about truck drivers and talks face to face with them every year.

Since March, especially April, some economic indicators have weakened significantly, and the downward pressure on the economy has further increased.

Before talking with the driver, Li Keqiang convened a symposium in Kunming for heads of 12 provincial governments on "stabilizing growth, stabilizing market players and ensuring employment", and proposed to effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development; Give priority to employment, ensure employment and people's livelihood by stabilizing market players, and implement combined relief policies such as tax rebates and tax reductions; While doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, we should further unblock the logistics artery and microcirculation; Support platform economy and digital economy to legally comply with domestic and overseas listing and financing.

In late April, Li Keqiang held an executive meeting of the State Council and decided to strengthen the policy of stabilizing posts and promoting employment to maintain stable employment and stable economic operation; Listen to the report on the work of ensuring smooth transportation and logistics, and ask to further open up blocking points and smooth circulation.

The core of these meetings is to stabilize the economy, ensure employment and ensure smooth logistics!

Let the warehouse grid type, rail type, flat type, dump truck, van type, container vehicle, tank type and middle axle trucks, let the container vehicle, refrigerated vehicle, tank type and large and dangerous goods transport vehicle, let the micro truck, light truck, medium truck and heavy truck run, let the 20million truck drivers run, remove all kinds of obstacles to them, let them work hard and have hope, and China's economy can be stabilized and recovered!

At this time, the fate of truck drivers is deeply related to the people all over the country, because we are all in the same car.

Source / China business strategy (id:hstl8888)

Author / fenghongping