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Strive to create a new situation of socialism with Chinese characteristics! The General Secretary's report on the 20th National Congress releases these signals to the logistics industry

Release Time:2022-10-20 02:49:53 View:1421

Forwarded from Jiuzhou Logistics Network 2022-10-17

These golden sentences in the report deserve the attention of all logistics personnel:

About economic development
We put forward and implemented the new development concept, focused on promoting high-quality development, promoted the construction of a new development pattern, implemented supply side structural reform, and formulated a series of major regional strategies of overall significance. China's economic strength achieved a historic leap, and its GDP increased from 54 trillion yuan to 114 trillion yuan. China's total economic output accounted for 18.5 percent of the world economy, Increase by 7.2 percentage points, ranking second in the world; The per capita GDP increased from 39800 yuan to 81000 yuan.
About the "the Belt and Road"
We have implemented a more proactive opening-up strategy, and jointly built the "the Belt and Road" to become a popular international public goods and international cooperation platform. China has become a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, with the total volume of trade in goods ranking first in the world, attracting foreign capital and foreign investment ranking first in the world, forming a pattern of opening up in a wider range, broader fields and deeper levels.
About Industrial Chain Supply Chain
We should adhere to the theme of promoting high-quality development, organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply side structural reform, enhance the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic big cycle, improve the quality and level of the international cycle, accelerate the construction of a modern economic system, focus on improving total factor productivity, improve the resilience and security of the supply chain of the industrial chain, and promote urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development, We will promote effective economic growth in terms of quality and quantity.
About powerful transportation country
We should build a high-level socialist market economy, adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy, unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and better play to the role of the government. We will build a modern industrial system, focus on the real economy, promote new industrialization, and accelerate the building of a manufacturing, quality, aerospace, transportation, network, and digital China. We will comprehensively promote rural revitalization, give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, speed up the building of a powerful agricultural country, solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations, consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way, firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, and ensure that the Chinese people's jobs are firmly in their own hands. We will promote coordinated regional development, thoroughly implement the strategy of coordinated regional development, major regional strategies, the strategy of main functional areas, and the strategy of new urbanization, optimize the layout of major productive forces, and build a regional economic layout and land space system with complementary advantages and high-quality development. We will promote high-level opening up, steadily expand the institutional opening of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc., accelerate the building of a trade power, promote the high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road", and maintain a diversified and stable international economic pattern and economic and trade relations.
On Distribution System and Employment
We need to improve the distribution system, adhere to the principle of distribution according to work and the coexistence of multiple distribution methods, adhere to the principle of more work, encourage hard work to become rich, promote fair opportunities, increase the income of low-income people, expand middle-income groups, standardize the income distribution order, and standardize the wealth accumulation mechanism. We will implement the strategy of giving priority to employment, strengthen the policy of giving priority to employment, improve the public service system for employment, strengthen support for disadvantaged groups in employment, eliminate unreasonable restrictions and employment discrimination that affect equal employment, and give everyone the opportunity to achieve their own development through hard work.
About green transformation
We need to accelerate the green transformation of the development mode, implement the comprehensive conservation strategy, develop green and low-carbon industries, advocate green consumption, and promote the formation of green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. We will further promote the prevention and control of environmental pollution, continue to deepen the defense of blue sky, clear water, and pure land, basically eliminate heavily polluted weather, basically eliminate urban black and smelly water bodies, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources, improve the level of environmental infrastructure construction, and promote the improvement of urban and rural human settlements. We will improve the diversity, stability, and sustainability of ecosystems, accelerate the implementation of major projects to protect and repair important ecosystems, implement major projects to protect biodiversity, promote grassland, forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands to recuperate, implement a 10-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River, improve the system of fallow rotation of arable land, and prevent alien species from encroaching. Actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, based on China's energy resource endowment, adhere to the principle of "standing first, breaking down", implement the carbon peaking action in a planned and step-by-step manner, deeply promote the energy revolution, strengthen the clean and efficient use of coal, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, and actively participate in global governance in response to climate change.
On Supply Chain Industrial Chain Security
We should improve the national security system, improve the efficient and authoritative national security leadership system, improve the national security rule of law system, strategic system, policy system, risk monitoring and early warning system, and national emergency management system, and build a comprehensive, three-dimensional and efficient national security protection system. We will strengthen our ability to safeguard national security, firmly safeguard the security of state power, institutions, and ideology, ensure the security of the supply chain of food, energy resources, and important industrial chains, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal persons overseas, and strengthen the people's defense line for national security.
Extraordinary ten years: China's modern logistics industry has entered the fast lane of development
In the past decade, China's logistics service capacity has been significantly improved, moving from a large logistics country to a powerful logistics country.
Data shows that the total amount of social logistics in China will increase from 177.3 trillion yuan in 2012 to 335.2 trillion yuan in 2021, with an average annual growth of 7.2%. Among them, the total amount of industrial logistics accounts for about 90% of the total amount of social logistics, maintaining a steady growth overall, supporting China's ranking as the world's largest manufacturing country for 12 consecutive years.
The state has successively introduced a series of policies and measures, such as tax reduction and fee reduction, making up for shortcomings and strengthening the foundation, and connectivity, to guide the real economy to reduce the level of logistics costs. Compared with 2012, the ratio of China's total social logistics cost to GDP will decrease by 3.4 percentage points in 2021.
At the same time, the integration of new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing with traditional logistics has continued to enhance the driving role of logistics industry upgrading. The application of unmanned warehouses, unmanned terminals, unmanned distribution and other technical equipment was accelerated, and the promotion and construction of new infrastructure such as digital freight, digital parks and digital warehouses was accelerated.
Many indicators have been in the forefront of the world for many years, effectively ensuring smooth domestic and international circulation
Over the past decade, China's comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network has accelerated to take shape, effectively promoting the smooth circulation of domestic and international traffic. We have built the world's largest high-speed railway network, expressway network, world-class port group, and air and sea transportation to reach the world. China's high-speed railway, China Road, China Bridge, China Port, and China Express have become beautiful Chinese business cards. The comprehensive transportation system with large scale and smooth internal and external connections has effectively supported China's operation as the world's second largest economy and the world's largest cargo trading country. Transportation has shortened the time and space distance, accelerated the flow of materials and personnel, profoundly changed the urban and rural landscape, and effectively promoted the process of urban-rural integration. It not only effectively ensures the smooth domestic and international circulation, but also makes an important contribution to the development of the world economy.
In the past decade, China's railway freight service capacity has been continuously improved. In 2021, the freight volume will reach 4.774 billion tons, an increase of 22.3% over 2012. The long-standing bottleneck of railway transportation has been effectively solved. The "transit from public transport to railway transport" has achieved remarkable results, and the transportation of key materials such as grain, fertilizer, electricity and coal has been effectively guaranteed. At the same time, new freight products such as high-speed rail freight, cold chain transport and container trains have been introduced, initially forming an efficient logistics service system, which better meets the logistics needs of the people; A total of 55000 China EU trains have been operated, effectively ensuring the smooth operation of China's foreign trade industry chain and supply chain, and making positive contributions to the promotion of international and domestic double circulation.

In this decade, civil aviation freight has also achieved a breakthrough. In 2019, the cargo and mail transportation volume of civil aviation was 1.3 times that of 2012, and the aviation service network covered 92% of the prefecture level administrative units, 88% of the population, and 93% of the total economy. At the same time, efforts have been made to promote the development of international air logistics. At present, about 5000 international cargo flights have been completed every week, reaching 123 cities in 52 countries around the world, which has effectively guaranteed the stability of the national industrial chain supply chain.
In the past decade, the water transport service guarantee capacity has been continuously improved. Among the top 10 ports in the world in terms of cargo throughput and container throughput, China accounted for 8 seats and 7 seats respectively, among which Shanghai Port, Ningbo Zhoushan Port and Shenzhen Port ranked first in terms of container throughput for consecutive years. In China, 10 automated terminals have been built and 8 are under construction, ranking first in the world. In the past decade, the number of routes to 11 international hub ports along China's coast has increased by 60%. The maritime transport service network connects the major ports of more than 100 countries and regions, becoming the country with the highest maritime transport connectivity in the world.
In the past decade, postal public services have been continuously optimized. "At present, China has basically built a postal express network that covers the whole country, goes deep into the countryside and reaches the world. The transportation capacity of high-speed rail express and air express has been continuously enhanced. The application of intelligent facilities and equipment such as unmanned warehouses, unmanned vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles has been accelerated. The maximum daily processing capacity of express mail is nearly 700 million pieces." Dai Yingjun, deputy director of the State Postal Administration, said that at present, express outlets have basically achieved full coverage in villages and towns, and the express service coverage in organic villages has exceeded 80%. "In this decade, the express business volume has grown from 5.7 billion to 108.3 billion, ranking first in the world for eight consecutive years."
The rapid development of the transportation industry has promoted the dual growth of the scale and quality of China's foreign trade. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, the scale of China's foreign trade has increased from 24.4 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below) in 2012 to 39.1 trillion yuan in 2021 in the past ten years, and the international market share has increased from 10.4% to 13.5% in the same period, consolidating China's position as the largest country in global trade in goods.
Among them, China's international export market share in 2021 will be 15.1%, an increase of 4 percentage points compared with 2012, which is basically equivalent to the international export market share when China joined the WTO in 2001. Since the international market share of imports exceeded 10% for the first time in 2013, it has now risen to 11.9% in 2021. The General Administration of Customs said that this fully reflects that China is not only a "world factory", but also a "world market".
In addition to expanding its scale, China's high-quality trade development has also continued to advance. According to official data, the number of enterprises with export performance in China will reach 567000 in 2021, 1.7 times that of 2012, indicating that foreign trade business entities are more dynamic. The "circle of friends" of foreign trade is also expanding. From 2013 to 2021, the total import and export value of China and the countries along the "the Belt and Road" increased from 6.46 trillion yuan to 11.6 trillion yuan, accounting for 29.7% of China's total foreign trade value over the same period.

Support high-quality development of national economy and embark on a new journey of becoming a logistics power
In the past decade, transportation has played a fundamental, leading and strategic role, providing a strong guarantee for the implementation of the national strategy. China has completed the comprehensive goal task of "providing qualified towns and villages with access to hardened roads and buses", and has fulfilled the solemn commitment of "no one will be left behind due to traffic on the road to a well-off life", and effectively served to win the battle against poverty and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. The regional transportation networks of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Yangtze River Delta and other regions are connected to promote the level of regional coordinated development. Investment in transportation fixed assets continued to run at a high level. In 2021, the annual investment reached a record high of 3.6 trillion yuan, which played an important role in serving to stabilize the economy and ensuring "six stability" and "six guarantees". We insist on connecting with the world and the times, vigorously promote transportation connectivity, and better serve the high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road". During the COVID-19, on the basis of well coordinated prevention and control of the epidemic, we made every effort to ensure smooth logistics. China Europe trains and ocean going freighters shuttled around the clock, ensuring the stability and smoothness of the supply chain of the industrial chain, which reflected China's responsibility.
Logistics connects production and consumption. In the past ten years, the logistics industry has played a positive role in serving production, promoting consumption and facilitating circulation. Taking postal express industry as an example, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the postal network has accelerated its sinking, realizing "the establishment of offices in villages and towns, and the postal service in villages and villages", which has effectively guaranteed the smooth flow of Party and state policies, the people's demand for postal services, and also effectively served the strategy of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. At present, the total length of postal routes (one-way) in China exceeds 10 million kilometers, the total length of express service network (one-way) exceeds 40 million kilometers, and there are 413000 postal express outlets. The widely covered postal express network provides an important guarantee for building a unified national market.
In terms of service production, the postal express industry has provided an efficient connection for the industrial integration and development. In terms of integrated development with modern agriculture, it has cultivated more than 1000 projects of postal service for agricultural special products to enter the city, "one city, one product", and 100 gold medal projects of express service for modern agriculture with an annual business volume of more than 10 million pieces. In terms of integrated development with the manufacturing industry, inbound logistics, warehouse allocation integration and other modes have been formed, and the supply chain service capacity has been gradually enhanced. In terms of integrated development with e-commerce, the postal express industry has become the accelerator of commodity circulation and the main channel to serve e-commerce users. The annual online retail sales of physical goods have exceeded 10 trillion yuan. In addition, the postal express industry also provides independent and controllable channels for domestic and international double circulation. Actively promote the "express shipping" project, continue to strengthen the cross-border network construction, and accelerate the construction of a global international postal express hub cluster. The postal express industry is making positive contributions to ensuring the security of the international supply chain and building a new development pattern of services by strengthening the cross-border services of the whole chain.
After ten years of precipitation and accumulation, China is moving from a large logistics country to a powerful logistics country. Next, the increasingly powerful logistics industry has also made sufficient preparations to better serve the high-quality development of China's economy and society.
The relevant person in charge of the State Railway Administration said that in the next step, the railway should focus on three aspects in promoting high-quality development: first, promoting railway construction in a scientific and orderly manner. We will promote the implementation of a number of major projects under the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan", improve the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network, optimize the layout of the general speed railway network, solve the problem of "leaving too much space" for western railways, vigorously develop intercity and municipal railways, and build an integrated comprehensive transportation hub. Second, we will continue to improve transportation quality. We will comprehensively optimize the layout of freight transport, vigorously develop multimodal transport, continue to promote the adjustment of transport structure, steadily promote the high-speed railway to operate at the designed speed, and constantly improve the level of information and intelligence of transport services. Third, we will unswervingly promote security development. Consolidate the foundation of railway safety production, improve the level of safety management, deepen the management of safety environment along the line, and ensure the continuous stability of railway safety.
The Civil Aviation Administration of China has also made clear the next development priorities of civil aviation. The "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period is a critical period for China to develop from a single air transport power to a multi field civil aviation power. Civil aviation infrastructure construction will focus on breaking the bottleneck of resource capacity, pay more attention to innovation drive, focus on improving quality and efficiency, give play to the overall synergy, and build a first-class civil aviation infrastructure system. The development priorities include steadily promoting the construction of new infrastructure, further implementing the main line of smart civil aviation construction during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan", promoting the implementation of the "Smart Civil Aviation Construction Roadmap", taking improving the capabilities of "digital perception, data decision-making, lean management, and meticulous service" as the goal, comprehensively promoting the construction of traditional and new infrastructure, building the foundation of modern air transport system, cultivating and strengthening new business types, new services, and new capabilities, Improve the quality and efficiency of the industry and enlarge the momentum of development.
In order to better serve the high-quality development of China's economy and society, the key task of the postal express industry in the next stage is to promote high-quality development and efficient governance of the industry. In the new journey of "accelerating the construction of a transportation power, and striving to be a pioneer of China's modernization", we will bravely shoulder the burden of unimpeded, and better meet the new needs and expectations of the people for better postal use. Specifically, it includes the following eight aspects: defining the value pursuit of high-quality development of postal express industry, insisting on making progress while maintaining stability, strengthening competitive market players, improving the delivery network system, promoting scientific and technological innovation, developing international delivery logistics, achieving green and safe development, and improving governance capabilities.
The State Postal Administration has also formulated the development goal of the postal express industry: it is estimated that by 2025, the annual business income of the postal express industry will exceed 1.8 trillion yuan, and the express business volume will exceed 150 billion pieces, with the growth rate remaining at about 10% - 11%, equivalent to about twice the GDP growth rate. By 2025, a number of postal express brands with an annual business volume of more than 20 billion pieces or an annual business income of more than 200 billion yuan will be formed to build a comprehensive delivery logistics supply chain group.
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