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Depth: innovation and reform of the construction concept of modern logistics hub system

Release Time:2022-07-09 06:01:09 View:1700

The development of hub economy in the future will have the characteristics of organization based on three levels: channel, city and industry, and form economic hubs of different types and patterns. The development of economic hubs will certainly reconstruct China's economic landscape in space.

Source / Wang Jixiang (id:qq1900915002)

Author / Wang Jixiang


Background analysis: the state vigorously promotes the construction of logistics hubs

In October, 2017, the report of the 19th CPC National Congress officially announced that the logistics network and information network were included in the scope of infrastructure construction to support the development of the national economy. Develop economic infrastructure first. Since 2018, relevant national departments have organized a series of surveys and made systematic strategic deployment to implement the report of the 19th CPC National Congress and promote the construction of modern logistics network system.

On November 21, 2018, the executive meeting of the State Council decided to deploy and promote the layout and construction of logistics hubs to promote the quality and efficiency of national economic operation. The meeting pointed out that we should aim at the international advanced level and take multiple measures to promote the construction of a modern logistics network system of "channel + hub + network" and promote the high-quality development of the logistics industry. Among them, logistics hub is the key link in the construction of new logistics infrastructure.

On December 24, 2018, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of transport issued the layout and construction plan of national logistics hubs (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"), proposing to lay out and build about 30 national logistics hubs by 2020; By 2025, about 150 national logistics hubs will be constructed, and by 2035, a national logistics hub network compatible with the modern economic system will be basically formed.

In April, 2019, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of transport jointly issued the "national logistics hub network construction plan (2019-2020)", which proposed that on the basis of the construction plan prepared by the people's Government of the city where the national logistics hub is located, and in combination with the implementation needs of major national strategies, the first batch of about 15 national logistics hub construction lists should be determined through overall research.

Logistics hub is an important infrastructure, and the concept of infrastructure in the new era has undergone revolutionary changes. Modern society is a society with rapid flow of resource elements, in which virtual resource elements flow in the smart Internet and physical resource elements flow in the smart logistics network. With the help of Internet +, Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and automation technology, modern logistics is connected with both manufacturing industry and consumers. It promotes the networking, computing, optimization and operation of various resource elements of the logistics system, and integrates information flow, capital flow and business flow in the process of logistics. Through expansion and extension, the boundary of intelligent logistics network enables agriculture, manufacturing The business circulation industry is fully interconnected and integrated, making smart logistics the basic support of the economic and social system, promoting the smart transformation of modern logistics hubs and becoming the key node of new infrastructure.

Considering that smart logistics has become an economic and social infrastructure, as a logistics hub in the era of smart logistics, there are many fundamental differences between the concept of traditional logistics hubs, and new ideas and new ideas are needed in promoting the construction of logistics hubs.


Cognitive upgrading: logistics hub reconstructing new economic and social order

To understand the logistics hub from the perspective of new infrastructure thinking, we must first recognize the characteristics of smart logistics, the connection characteristics of logistics linking manufacturing end and consumer end, and the integration characteristics of logistics, business flow and capital flow, so as to realize cognitive upgrading.

At the early stage of reform and opening up, roads and bridges and other infrastructure promoted the flow, separation and potential release of resource elements, and promoted the great development of China's economy; The upgrading of the wisdom of modern logistics is bound to promote the integration, unification and efficient coordination of resource elements, realize the quality and efficiency changes of economic development, and form new momentum through improving quality and efficiency.

According to the above analysis, the concept of new infrastructure needs to improve our understanding and upgrading of logistics hubs. It is of strategic significance to look at the modern logistics network system of "channel + hub + network" from the perspective of reconstructing the new economic and social order of logistics hubs. Specifically, there are several major conceptual changes:

1. New kinetic energy reconstruction: logistics hubs promote efficient coordination of resource elements

In the past, the construction of logistics hubs, which emphasized the flow of resource elements, appeared more in the form of transportation hubs, that is, to build hubs in the space where transportation lines and various transportation modes are connected, focusing on the network nodes of physical flow. The traditional logistics hub emphasizes the physical network hub, and the logistics elements "things" must be centrally configured in the hub.

To cultivate new drivers of economic development, we need innovative leadership, digital empowerment, reconstruction of the supply chain and industrial chain, and promote economic development on the road of quality and efficiency. To cultivate new drivers of economic development in the field of logistics, we need to rely on modern logistics hubs and networks to promote the efficient coordination of economic resource elements, which requires the transformation from a transportation hub to a management hub, with more emphasis on logistics management and supply chain management. It may not be necessary for "things" to be transported to the hub and then configured. Through the intelligent scheduling and digital empowerment of logistics resource elements, we will promote the transformation of logistics hubs from physical hubs to intelligent hubs.

With the continuous development of Internet and Internet of things technologies and the continuous improvement of supply chain services, logistics, capital flow, data flow, information flow and other "flows" have gradually become the resources and elements of economic development. Logistics is the basis of all kinds of flows. With logistics as the core and cloud computing, big data and other forms, it promotes the innovation of "flow", carries out various services with "flow" as the element, and forms a new flow hub, It can promote the reconstruction of a new order of efficient coordination of resource elements.

Alibaba Group's e-commerce platform relies on the commercial logistics gathered by the Cainiao logistics network. The location of the platform is not necessarily at the intersection of traditional trunk lines, but can be placed in any city, such as Hangzhou. Around the platform, using the Cainiao logistics brain, we can carry out networked logistics services nationwide, forming a hub to gather resources, Logistics brain scheduling and management, which relies on the aggregation of e-commerce and logistics platforms to realize the aggregation of business flow, information flow, logistics, capital flow and other elements, forms a new logistics hub, rather than relying on the innovative idea of industrial concentration to promote the integration of elements, which has brought fundamental changes to the construction and layout of hub cities, and also provided new ideas for the development of hub economy in non-traditional transportation hub cities.

Taking logistics as the core, promoting the integration of business flow, information flow and capital flow, and establishing the central logistics District CLD is also a valuable exploration for some regions to build urban logistics complexes and innovate the operation mode of logistics hubs in recent years.

Logistics resources create a logistics network around the logistics platform, and the logistics hub and logistics platform are integrated and developed. Because of this change in concept, many cities in China can completely overturn the previous concept of road traffic nodes and use a new means to gather resources when gathering industrial and economic factors.

2. System reconstruction: logistics hub promotes the intelligent transformation of logistics network

Because the development of urban economy cannot be separated from the aggregation of physical industries and related economic factors, in the past, China's hub cities mainly relied on the concentration of physical industries to bring about the concentration of factors, so the traditional logistics hub was the transportation network first, and the road transportation network nodes formed the logistics hub. In other words, the logistics hub is formed naturally around the flow and aggregation of physical goods.

With the integration of logistics network and information network, and the integration of logistics, business flow, information flow and capital flow, the construction of logistics hub can be promoted through platform economy. Various "flow" resource elements can be gathered at specific locations to form a comprehensive hub, which in turn promotes the reconstruction of smart Logistics network through the radiation of hub, and promotes the reconstruction of logistics network system through logistics hub to create a higher level of industrial layout conditions, Promote fundamental changes in the layout of regional logistics hubs.

For example, Yiwu is not the traditional node of large trunk lines, nor the traditional port hub and railway hub, but relying on the aggregation of small commodity trade resources, with the help of the Internet platform, it realizes the integration of logistics, capital flow, information flow and business flow, forming the aggregation of various "flow" resource elements, making Yiwu a global small commodity logistics hub.

It is no longer limited to the traditional geographical advantages, transportation conditions and other endowments in the past to carry out industrial layout (but the geographical advantages and transportation conditions are still extremely important). This concept subverts the traditional idea of industrial layout. The subversive condition is to change the flow direction, flow and aggregation point of economic factors with the support of the Internet, big data and cloud computing. This idea provides ideas for the innovative development of Western and inland regions.

3. Boundary reconstruction: inland logistics hubs can also connect with the global sea power era. The main logistics channel is marine transportation. Because export products and export-oriented factors are concentrated on the coast, in the past, our hubs were mainly in coastal areas. How to use logistics infrastructure to promote the economic development of inland areas, promote the construction of industrial economic belts in countries along the new Silk Road, promote the development of inland consumption and manufacturing, and promote the rapid development of commercial circulation are important contents of China's the Belt and Road economic construction.

Promoting the construction of the digital silk road, developing in coordination with the construction of the logistics Silk Road, and promoting the economic development of inland hubs at the key nodes of the smart Silk Road, relying on the commercial layout brought by inland consumption, can make inland logistics hubs become the allocation center of global resource elements, and transform logistics regional hubs into international hubs.

Improving and connecting the whole chain of the supply chain, creating a large ecological economic platform and cultivating new models have become very important contents in the national documents on the construction of logistics hubs.


Development Prospect: logistics hub promotes high-quality economic development in the new era

The hub economy in the new era is an economic system that takes the hub as the core, is characterized by convergence and radiation, and aims to optimize the space-time allocation of economic elements to realize the integration of logistics, capital flow, business flow, information flow and other "flows". Among them, a variety of traditional transportation facilities and means of transportation are the carriers of logistics, and the Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of things, CPS are the carriers of digital flow. In this system, transit The collection and distribution functions play a supporting role.

The efficiency of connection with the global supply chain determines the efficiency and competitiveness of the "hub economy". The hub economy provides market resources and lasting power for economic development through the aggregation of people flow, logistics, information flow and capital flow, so as to promote a high degree of industrial agglomeration and structural optimization and achieve sustainable development. The manifestation of the new hub economy should no longer be the airport economy and port economy confined to a narrow space, but an economic system led by transportation modes such as "platform economy", "aviation economy", "high-speed rail economy" and "maritime economy" to realize the integration of multiple transportation modes.

At present, economic resource elements are no longer a problem of shortage, but a problem of efficient coordination and intelligent allocation. Logistics resources have been sufficient, but how to improve operational efficiency, achieve transformation and upgrading, and cultivate new growth points and new drivers is a new problem we face. It is an arduous task to promote the integration of information flow and real logistics in the two dimensions of time and space and build a new logistics system.

First of all, in the element dimension, it is necessary to gather various elements to realize the strong aggregation of resource elements.

The focus is to gather the elements of various "flows", followed by the elements of various operation facilities and equipment. Facilities and equipment elements have weak liquidity and can be gathered through the construction of logistics parks and logistics centers. Various "flow" elements need to create a regional development potential through the creation of an industrial development environment, build a large platform, gather resource elements from the surrounding, national and even global regions, and make up for the weak shortcomings of regional resource elements, so as to achieve rapid industrial development, With the help of the new infrastructure of logistics network + information network, we will expand and radiate the aggregated resource elements, and form a development model of the whole industrial chain through aggregation and radiation, so as to improve various industrial elements.

Secondly, in the dimension of spatial elements, the hub economy should take cities as the carrier, logistics hubs as the infrastructure, and supply chain services as the means to develop the hub economy and promote regional development.

At present, location, comprehensive transportation, market demand and raw material resources are still very important. We can call them basic conditions, but they are no longer decisive conditions.

What is the core content of a hub city? It is an efficient logistics system, developed trade market, advanced manufacturing foundation, deep cultural accumulation, high-quality commercial services, unique tourism resources, etc. if these resources are combined arbitrarily and effectively, we may form a support and guarantee for the development of hub cities. Conversely, we can design our hub according to these elements based on this support and guarantee.

The most taboo in developing the hub economy is that the various "flows" in the hub are first-class, and the local economic and social ecosystem cannot be watered, so that the hub area is only a center for goods circulation, rather than a trade center and an industrial center. Through large networks, platforms, channels, chains and new models, we need to promote the purposeful and radiative economic factors at specific points in an orderly manner in accordance with industrial factor aggregation, industrial chain cultivation, industrial system services and national industrial policy guidance, and finally form a kind of aggregation of scale economic development model. At present, Chongqing and Zhengzhou in China, Leipzig in Germany and Lhasa in Spain have made active exploration in this regard.

Third, in the time dimension, the hub economy pays attention to the collaborative allocation of various "flows" in the time dimension, and the specific path is the system construction of logistics network + information network of new infrastructure.

In the construction of logistics network, the focus is to promote the development of multimodal transport of integrated transportation modes such as high-speed rail, highway, aviation and water transportation, and reasonably allocate the element configuration of physical logistics flow. In the construction of information network, the focus is to promote the development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies, promote the advance layout of goods in time dimension, and promote the construction of front warehouse of logistics network, Meet people's requirements on the dimension of logistics distribution time.

Hub economy is a large-scale industrial development model that concentrates, diffuses, and dredges business flow, logistics, capital flow, information flow, and passenger flow with the help of economic factor resource aggregation platforms (transportation hubs, logistics hubs, logistics service platforms, financial platforms, etc.). It has a high degree of supply chain, industrial chain, and industrial cluster organizational characteristics. With the continuous innovation of Internet Economic formats and the support of comprehensive transportation and logistics hub service organizations, the hub economic development with cities as the carrier is showing a new development pattern. By gathering economic elements with regional radiation capacity, mainly economic elements with the characteristics of "flow", the path of urban economic aggregate expansion, industrial level jump and development status improvement is changing.

Hub economy is a flow gathering, platformized and networked economic development mode, that is, through the planning and construction of targeted infrastructure platforms, regional service platforms, and industrial innovation platforms, regional economic flows can be gathered along transportation channels, transportation hubs, logistics supply chain organization, industrial chain construction, industrial cluster development and other paths, and the economic scale can be expanded by means of networked and platformized services, Make the relying city become the economic growth pole of the region in a relatively short period of time, so as to be a city with late economic development and at the node of important international and domestic channels, realize the transcendence of the traditional central city through the new economic agglomeration mode, change the traditional factor spatial layout, realize the agglomeration development mode, and promote the development of the hub economy.

At present, many basic conditions for China's urban development hub economy have been preliminarily met. On the one hand, the national trunk comprehensive transportation network has been basically formed, and general central cities have the ability and conditions to carry various economic flows. On the other hand, the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way in China will bring the agglomeration and development of economic flows led by the expansion of domestic demand, and the implementation of the "the Belt and Road" strategy will drive the agglomeration and expansion of new international economic two-way radiation economic flows, Therefore, the hub economy will have the characteristics of organization based on the three levels of channel, city and industry in the future development, and form different types and patterns of economic hubs. The development of economic hubs will certainly reconstruct China's economic landscape in space.

Source / Wang Jixiang (id:qq1900915002)

Author / Wang Jixiang