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Logistics people must see: how difficult is survival? Investigation report on the operation of small, medium and micro logistics enterprises released

Release Time:2022-05-17 05:41:11 View:2372

Source / China Federation of logistics and procurement
On May 5, Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to deploy further relief measures for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. The meeting pointed out that a large number of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in a wide range are an important foundation for stabilizing the economy and the main support for stabilizing employment. At present, the difficulties of relevant market players have increased significantly. It is necessary to implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and strengthen assistance.
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises are not only the new force for the development of logistics industry, but also an important foundation for building a modern logistics system, but also an important support for absorbing employment and improving people's livelihood. In order to implement the law on the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, the 14th five year plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the regulations on optimizing the business environment, deeply understand the operation status of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, reflect the demands of enterprises, optimize the business environment, and promote the high-quality development of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, China Federation of logistics and procurement organized a questionnaire survey on the operation status of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises in early 2022, The investigation report on the operation of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises is now released to the public. Thanks for the strong support of local logistics authorities, industry associations and branches of China things Union.
The release time of the report coincides with the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control and smooth logistics. The resumption of work and production of the logistics industry is an important condition for smooth logistics and ensuring the stability of the supply chain. All local governments and departments are welcome to adopt relevant policies and measures for relief.
The text is as follows:
Investigation report on the operation of small, medium and micro logistics enterprises
China Federation of logistics and procurement
two О May 11, 2002
According to the data of the fourth economic census, there are nearly 600000 legal entities in China's transportation, warehousing and postal industry, more than 5.8 million self-employed households and more than 6 million logistics related market entities. More than 90% of the legal entities belong to small, medium and micro enterprises. They are not only the new force for the development of logistics industry, but also an important foundation for building a modern logistics system, but also an important support for absorbing employment and improving people's livelihood. In order to implement the law on the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, the 14th five year plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the regulations on optimizing the business environment, deeply understand the operation status of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, reflect the demands of enterprises, optimize the business environment, and promote the high-quality development of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, China Federation of logistics and procurement organized a questionnaire survey on the operation status of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises in early 2022, and received 1187 valid questionnaires.
Thanks for the strong support of local logistics authorities, industry associations and branches of China things Union.
1、 Basic information of the enterprise

The small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises surveyed are mainly private enterprises. According to the survey data, the proportion of small, medium and micro enterprises of private nature is as high as 86.2%, followed by state-owned enterprises, accounting for 5.4%, and the proportion of collective nature, foreign capital and joint venture enterprises is relatively small, accounting for a total of 1.4%.

Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises mainly focus on the field of road freight transportation. According to the survey data, 70.3% of the surveyed enterprises are engaged in road freight business, followed by warehousing and integrated logistics business, accounting for 24.2% and 23.2% respectively. Relatively few enterprises are engaged in railway, waterway and air freight, especially air freight, accounting for only 0.9%. This also reflects that the road freight market is large and scattered compared with other fields.

Nearly 70% of the surveyed enterprises have an average number of employees less than 50, of which a quarter have an average number of employees less than 10, and less than 10% have more than 200 employees.

The income scale of the surveyed enterprises is small, and nearly one third of the enterprises have an average main business income of less than 1 million yuan in recent three years. According to the survey data, 40% of enterprises with an income scale of less than 2 million yuan belong to micro enterprises, 37.9% of enterprises with an income scale of 2-30 million yuan belong to small enterprises, and 17% of enterprises with an income scale of 30-300 million yuan belong to medium-sized enterprises.

The operating revenue and expenditure pressure of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises has increased significantly. According to the survey data, 31.7% of enterprises reported an increase in operating revenue compared with the previous year, while 65.7% reflected an increase in costs. It is common for enterprises to have insufficient income growth and increased cost pressure.

The surveyed enterprises reported that the price was generally flat and had great downward pressure. According to the survey data, nearly half of the surveyed enterprises reported that the service price was flat compared with the previous year, and more than one-third of the enterprises reported that the price fell, accounting for only 18.4%.

More than half of the losses of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises have increased the pressure for survival. According to the survey data, more than half of the surveyed enterprises lost profits, nearly one-third of the profits were basically the same, and only 18.4% of the enterprises realized profits.

2、 Financing promotion
The pressure on capital turnover and financing of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises has not been alleviated. According to the survey data, 62.9% of enterprises reported that the advance pressure in the accounting period had increased compared with the previous year. China's logistics industry, especially the road freight industry, generally adopts the advance operation. The shipper will pay the freight and other service fees for a period of time after the completion of the business, while the driver freight paid by the logistics enterprise needs to be settled in cash or weekly, and the financial pressure cannot be transmitted.
According to the investigation report on the business environment of logistics enterprises in 2021, the accounting period of China's logistics enterprises is generally 3-6 months. If the logistics enterprise reaches the income scale of 60 million yuan, the advance scale in the three-month accounting period is about 12 million yuan, and if the advance scale in the six-month accounting period is more than 24 million yuan. Under the downward pressure of economy, the shipper of Party A alleviates its own capital pressure by extending the account period, which further increases the advance burden of logistics enterprises. Due to the weak anti risk ability of small and medium-sized enterprises, the longer and longer accounting period will cause the sharp increase of enterprise operation risk, which is likely to become the "last straw" that kills the enterprise.

The promulgation of the regulations on ensuring the payment of small and medium-sized enterprises has brought policy opportunities to alleviate the advance burden of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises. However, the logistics business, especially the road freight business, often adopts the layer by layer subcontracting mode. The government, institutions and large enterprises generally outsource the business to comprehensive large logistics enterprises first, and then the large logistics enterprises subcontract to small and medium-sized logistics enterprises. Therefore, it is difficult for small and medium-sized micro enterprises to enjoy the policy dividends of the regulations, which is also an important reason for the lack of sense of gain of enterprises implementing the regulations.
The surveyed enterprises reflect that the pressure of upstream freight (cost) arrears is increasing. According to the survey data, nearly half of the surveyed enterprises reported that the pressure of upstream freight arrears (expenses) increased compared with the previous year, and more than 40% of enterprises reported that they were flat. Logistics enterprises have faced great financial pressure due to the accounting period requirements. If the upstream enterprises default on the freight again, once the working capital chain breaks, the enterprises will have to withdraw from the market, increasing the instability of the market. Due to the characteristics of multi-level subcontracting of logistics business, it is difficult to implement the provisions on arrears in the regulations.

The pressure on small, medium and micro logistics enterprises to borrow and finance has increased. According to the survey data, excluding the enterprises without financing needs, more than half of the enterprises reported that the borrowing and financing pressure had increased compared with the previous year, and nearly 40% of the enterprises reported that it was basically the same as the previous year.

The financing channels of the surveyed enterprises are relatively single. According to the survey data, 61% of enterprises obtain funds mainly through banks and 11.9% through credit cooperatives; One third of the funds were obtained through loans from relatives and friends, private financing and credit cards, and only 4.3% were obtained through equity financing.
As the financing demand of logistics enterprises is mainly to advance accounts receivable, bank loans often need collateral, which makes it impossible to obtain. Credit loans such as accounts receivable factoring are unable to obtain because upstream enterprises are unwilling to confirm their rights and it is difficult to guarantee bank credit investigation. Enterprises also face the problems of small amount of credit loans and high interest rates.

Nearly 70% of the surveyed enterprises reported that they wanted to obtain targeted low interest loans for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and more than one-third of the enterprises wanted to obtain inclusive credit loans for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. Nearly 20% of enterprises hope to strengthen the policy guarantee and coverage of small, medium and micro enterprises. Other enterprises hope to promote accounts receivable financing of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. The vouchers of accounts receivable of logistics enterprises are mainly freight invoices. Due to the lack of credit investigation of the shipper, the bank cannot make credit loans according to the billing vouchers. Policy guarantee can solve this problem to a certain extent, but it also faces problems such as insufficient coverage and insufficient guarantee.
More than one-third of enterprises want to extend the service life of enterprise loans. At present, bank loans are often lent once a year. Enterprises often need to prepare the money for repayment three months in advance. The funds can only be used for about nine months, which is also one of the reasons for the low utilization efficiency of one-year loans. More than a quarter of enterprises hope that the bank will adopt a direct loan renewal policy for qualified enterprises. Enterprises reported that it is still difficult for banks to realize automatic extension, which still needs to repay first and then loan, and the cost of capital use is high. There are also enterprises that hope to protect against temporary loan withdrawal and loan interruption according to law, which is also one of the reasons for the sudden risk of enterprises.
More than 30% of enterprises hope to ensure that they do not default on the freight of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. Other enterprises hope to ensure the reasonable accounting period of accounts receivable of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. The foreign logistics industry, especially the road freight industry, the transaction rules formulated by the industry association. The contract stipulates that the general accounting period is within 1-2 months. If the accounting period exceeds the accounting period, it also stipulates that the shipper needs to pay certain overdue interest on the account.

3、 Tax support
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises urgently need to increase tax support. According to the preferential tax policies enjoyed by the surveyed enterprises, the industry inclusive policies are well implemented. More enterprises enjoy the policies of enterprise income tax reduction and value-added tax reduction, accounting for 37.1% and 36.9% respectively, 20.1% of enterprises enjoy the policy of halving Trailer purchase tax, and more enterprises enjoy personal income tax preference.
According to the survey data, 17.9% of enterprises enjoy the policy of halving the land use tax of logistics enterprises. Enterprises reflect that the benefit effect of this policy has weakened. The main reasons are: first, the limited scope of requiring the goods stored in the warehouse to be bulk commodities is too narrow; second, most of the logistics infrastructure is invested and constructed by professional logistics real estate developers, which are responsible for renting. These enterprises cannot enjoy the policy, resulting in that the leasing logistics enterprises cannot enjoy it. Although the follow-up policy is also relaxed to the extent that logistics enterprises lease logistics land, the policy cannot be implemented because logistics enterprises, as the lessee, do not directly pay land use tax.
According to the survey data, the proportion of enterprises enjoying Expressway differentiated charging policy is only 13.2%. Except that some enterprises do not use expressway, enterprises reflect that the policy coverage is low and the sense of acquisition is not strong. Most of the preferential sections have a wide range of traffic, and the preferential coverage is not large at night, which is mainly divided into different sections. There are few models involved in differentiated preference by model, and only some provinces and cities adopt a certain traffic discount for container transport vehicles.
In addition, the implementation of tax policies such as value-added tax rebate, extension of annual loss carry forward and one-time cost deduction also needs to be promoted.

The number one tax support policy that the surveyed enterprises hope to obtain is to reduce the value-added tax rate of the transportation industry, accounting for 67.1%. More than 30% of enterprises hope to unify the value-added tax rate of all links of the logistics industry. At present, the value-added tax rate of China's transportation industry is 9%, while the business tax rate during the business tax period is 3%. Compared with other transportation industries, the proportion of fixed assets in highway freight industry is relatively low, and the unified setting of higher tax rate leads to an increase in tax burden. At present, the tax rate of logistics auxiliary services is 6%, which is different from the transportation tax rate, and does not meet the requirements of "integrated operation and network operation" of logistics enterprises. It is difficult for enterprises to split the businesses corresponding to the two tax rates, which often leads to high tax collection. Since the promulgation of the "nine articles on Logistics" issued by the State Office in 2011, it has repeatedly mentioned the policy of unifying the value-added tax rate in all links of the logistics industry. Document [2016] No. 69 also proposed to "actively study the issue of unifying the value-added tax rate in all links of logistics in combination with the value-added tax legislation." Ten years later, this problem has not been solved. In addition, logistics auxiliary services have been included in the scope of plus and minus, while the transportation industry with high tax burden has not been included.
The second most desirable tax support policy is the expansion of highway toll concessions. The enterprise reported that the expressway was changed from the original weight charging method to the vehicle (axle) type charging method. The toll of express vehicles dominated by empty and light soaked goods transportation, cold chain and vehicle transportation vehicles dominated by one-way transportation increased more, resulting in these vehicles choosing to take the national highway, increasing the National Highway congestion and wasting Expressway resources. It is urgent to introduce more targeted measures to guide empty vehicles and other vehicles to return to the expressway.
More than 30% of enterprises hope to reduce the insurance premium rate of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. At present, insurance companies often have lower premium rates and larger premium concessions for large enterprises, while for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, the premium remains high and the insurance conditions are harsh. Freight insurance products are not perfect, and most enterprises find it difficult to purchase logistics liability insurance. For small and micro enterprises, some risk vehicles even encounter difficulties in purchasing compulsory insurance, resulting in the phenomenon of "naked running" of vehicles. Some enterprises participate in the vehicle insurance co-ordination services organized by social institutions, but they also face compensation pressure and financial supervision risks.
Nearly a quarter of enterprises hope to facilitate individual drivers to issue VAT invoices on their behalf. At present, the transportation business of small and medium-sized enterprises is mainly outsourced to individual drivers, and most individual drivers are unable to provide compliant invoices, mainly because it is inconvenient to issue invoices on behalf of others. Small scale taxpayers of goods transportation can apply for issuing invoices on behalf of others at the place of tax registration, the place of departure of goods, the place of arrival of goods or the place of contracting transportation business. However, the single business amount of individual drivers is low. If they apply to the tax department for issuing invoices according to the formal procedures, the queuing time is long, the procedures are cumbersome and inconvenient, which affects the normal operation of drivers. With the development of digital economy and the rise of freight Internet platform, more and more enterprises purchase transportation capacity through the platform. In 2016, the State Administration of Taxation launched the pilot of issuing invoices on behalf of online freight platforms. A number of platform enterprises obtained the qualification of issuing invoices on behalf of drivers, which solved the problem of issuing invoices on behalf of drivers. There was also the risk of "false Invoicing". It was still difficult to solve the problem of issuing invoices for a large number of non platform transportation enterprises.
Nearly a quarter of enterprises want to promote gas stations to issue special VAT invoices directly. At present, drivers who use cash to refuel can ask for a special VAT invoice, but they must go to the designated gas station or upload the invoice from the gas station to the company's system and send it to the enterprise. On the one hand, due to the scattered distribution of drivers' refueling demand, it is difficult to accurately select the gas station that can issue an invoice. On the other hand, due to the high requirements of drivers' transportation timeliness, it is difficult to send an invoice to another gas station. At the same time, there is also a risk of time delay and loss in the return of system billing. At present, the industry basically adopts the way of purchasing gas cards with pre deposited funds to obtain value-added tax invoices, reduce cash delivery and facilitate the unified management of drivers' oil funds, but it also leads to the occupation of working capital of enterprises.
More than 20% of enterprises hope to promote the electronic invoice of value-added tax in road transportation industry. The road transportation industry has the characteristics of remote operation, and most of them need to issue special VAT invoices. Originally, transportation enterprises often need to send invoices to shippers, which extends the time limit for business confirmation and lengthens the freight payment cycle.

4、 Employment security
Compared with the previous year, the grass-roots employment of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises was generally flat, with a certain gap. According to the survey data, half of the enterprises reported that the employment situation of grass-roots employees (drivers, porters, etc.) remained basically stable compared with the previous year, more than one-third of the enterprises reported that there was a certain gap in the employment situation, and less than 10% of the enterprises said they were in short supply. Enterprises with certain gaps are mainly distributed in the fields of road freight, comprehensive logistics and warehousing business.

Logistics industry is a labor-intensive industry, especially the road freight industry is the main channel to absorb rural and low educated labor force. According to the survey report on the employment of truck drivers in 2021, rural drivers with registered residence and drivers with college degree or below accounted for 84.6% and 96% respectively.
In recent years, enterprises generally reflect that there is a large employment gap for truck drivers, and there is a "recruitment difficulty", especially the shortage of young drivers. The survey report shows that drivers under the age of 35 account for 25.5%, of which drivers under the age of 25 account for only 1.4%. Compared with the survey in 2016, the proportion of young truck drivers has decreased significantly, and the structural shortage of drivers and other grass-roots employees is becoming more and more serious.
The most needed employment support policy of the surveyed enterprises ranked first is to reduce the social security rate of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. At present, small, medium-sized and micro enterprises generally enjoy the phased social security deferred payment policy, but generally speaking, the social security rate is high, accounting for a large proportion of enterprise labor expenditure. Employees with registered residence in rural areas generally participate in the new rural cooperative medical system, and then participate in urban social security. There is a problem of double insurance of medical insurance and maternity insurance. Some enterprises hope to temporarily suspend the payment of provident fund.
Second in the employment support policy, provide job stabilization subsidies for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. As an important channel to absorb employment, the logistics industry has effectively supported social employment and industry stability through no and less layoffs. Nearly 30% of enterprises hope to provide training subsidies.
The third highest employment support policy is to guide and support small, medium-sized and micro enterprises to carry out flexible employment such as temporary employment. The logistics industry is greatly affected by seasonality and orders, and often needs to employ a large number of part-time workers.
With the increasingly severe employment problem, flexible employment such as temporary employment will become the trend of enterprise employment. For example, a logistics company needs more than 2000 part-time employees in Beijing alone, which can solve the temporary employment of local unemployed people. According to the requirements of laws and regulations, industrial injury insurance needs to be paid separately, but many provinces and cities are not allowed to pay industrial injury insurance separately, which brings certain legal and policy risks to flexible employment.
Some enterprises hope to guide and support small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises to implement the comprehensive working hour system and irregular working hour system. Due to the nature of work, the logistics industry, especially the road freight market, often needs mobile operation, and many working hours are in the evening, which can not be measured according to the standard working hours. It is urgent to implement the comprehensive working hour system or irregular working system. However, due to the strict management of the competent administrative department of labor security, it is difficult to promote and implement it in small, medium and micro enterprises. This also leads to more labor disputes related to the industry and increases the factors of social instability.
Nearly 20% of enterprises hope to solve the social insurance problem of platform drivers. In recent years, with the development of platform economy, it is increasingly common for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises to use the platform to find vehicle sources. However, most of the drivers on the platform are of an individual nature, and there is no social insurance such as industrial injury insurance, which makes it difficult to resolve enterprise disputes after accidents.
Nearly 20% of enterprises hope to shorten and facilitate the acquisition time and process of drivers' relevant operation qualifications. According to the enterprise, it is mainly a-zhao truck drivers who are scarce in the market. According to the requirements of the regulations on the application and use of motor vehicle driver's license, those who apply for the driving license of tractor, i.e. a license, need to obtain the driving license of large truck, i.e. B license for more than three years, and the motor vehicle driven during the internship period shall not tow the trailer. Therefore, it takes at least 3-4 years to drive the tractor, and the time cost is high.
In addition, more and more enterprises use individual drivers to provide services through outsourcing, but the proportion of individual drivers is small, and most of them are still affiliated drivers. According to the survey report on the employment status of truck drivers in 2021, 85.2% of the vehicles driven by truck drivers are personal vehicles, of which 57.9% are attached vehicles. Individual drivers who apply to enter the market need to obtain road transportation business license and vehicle operation license like enterprises, while online taxi drivers of similar nature only need vehicle operation license. The channel of license application is not smooth, and the online processing channel has not been opened, so drivers have to choose the illegal attachment method to obtain business qualification, but the attachment method can not bear the responsibility of safety subject, which increases the difficulty of protecting their own rights and interests and the risk of employing enterprises. Some enterprises hope to allow individual drivers to directly apply for vehicle operation license to obtain business qualification.

5、 Vehicle traffic
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises reported that the vehicle traffic environment was generally improved over the previous year. According to the survey data, half of the enterprises reported that the vehicle traffic environment had improved compared with the previous year, and 34% of the enterprises reported that the traffic environment had not changed compared with the previous year. Enterprises generally reflect that the traffic environment of expressway is better than that of national and provincial roads.

At the beginning of 2021, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued the guiding opinions on optimizing and improving the traffic management of urban distribution trucks, and put forward policies and measures to optimize traffic management policies, improve service guarantee, and promote the improvement of parking conditions. Overall, the implementation of various policies is good, but it still needs to be improved.
It is becoming a trend to apply for pass certificates online. According to the survey data, 38.2% of enterprises have enjoyed the online pass. According to the public information of the Ministry of public security, from September 1, 2021, the first batch of 70 cities in China and from October 20, the second batch of 175 cities in China can directly apply for and issue truck electronic code passes through the "traffic control 12123" app, unify the application entrance, simplify the application procedures and facilitate the use of drivers.
According to the survey data, 27.6% of enterprises have enjoyed the policy of shortening the period of prohibition and restriction of trucks, road sections and opening the right of way, which is also the specific requirements of the guiding opinions. In addition, 23.6% of enterprises reported that they had cancelled the 24-hour ban on trucks in some urban areas. However, enterprises reflect that there are still too many periods of vehicle prohibition and restriction. In order to complete the delivery time limit required by customers, they have to "break through the prohibition" or use minibuses for distribution, which has the illegal problem of "replacing goods with customers". With the implementation of urban environmental protection policies, the restricted road sections have a trend of further expansion. Many places began to restrict the passage of national four emission trucks in the name of environmental protection. Some cities and industrial and mining plants even allowed the passage of national six emission trucks, and implemented a 24-hour ban in some areas, which seriously affected the guarantee of people's livelihood and logistics demand.
According to the survey data, few enterprises report that the city has appropriately extended the line tonnage. Most cities still only allow blue light trucks of 4.5 tons and below to enter the city. With the start of the domestic consumer market, the demand for urban distribution has increased greatly. Relying only on blue light trucks can not meet the needs of urban operation, which is also the reason for the emergence of "large ton and small standard" illegally modified vehicles. Recently, with the launch of the "large ton and small standard" governance, a large number of illegal vehicles in stock cannot be put on the road, and there is a risk of industrial stability.
The Ministry of transport and other relevant departments have carried out special rectification actions against the illegal setting of height and width limit facilities and inspection checkpoints for two consecutive years, and achieved good results. However, enterprises do not have a strong sense of acquisition. According to the survey data, 17.1% of enterprises report that they have enjoyed the policy of canceling height and width restrictions. The enterprise reported that it lacks the specific location information and query platform for the remaining height and width limitation facilities, and hopes to facilitate the enterprise's query and understanding through truck navigation.
Enterprises reported that the overall enjoyment of policies and measures such as improving the parking conditions of urban distribution vehicles, allowing trucks to park on the road beyond time, setting up special parking spaces for trucks, prolonging the passage time of new energy distribution trucks, and canceling the traffic restrictions of new energy distribution trucks was insufficient.

In terms of urban truck traffic, the most needed traffic policy for enterprises is to liberalize the right of way of urban trucks. In order to ensure urban production and life, major developed countries have no restrictions on urban distribution trucks, and even give priority to urban distribution trucks. For example, Tokyo, Japan, has no restrictions on the distribution of trucks in the city and also provides financial subsidies. In order to avoid private cars crowding the urban distribution channels, Hong Kong, China restricts private cars from key areas. For example, in the trunk road section of Tsim Sha Tsui, vehicles are not allowed to pass from 7 a.m. to 19 p.m., except trucks loading and unloading goods.
The second is to relax or cancel the restrictions on distribution models. It is understood that major developed countries have no restrictions on the models of urban distribution trucks, and a large number of medium and heavy trucks can pass freely within the city. At present, a compliant 9.6m medium truck has a loading capacity of 75 cubic meters and a cargo of 10 tons, while a compliant 4.2m light truck has a loading capacity of 18 cubic meters and a cargo of 1.5 tons. A medium-sized truck can replace 4-6 light trucks, significantly improve the transportation efficiency, and greatly reduce the occupied Road area and emission pollution.
The third place is to provide convenient access to urban distribution to ensure people's livelihood. This is also proposed in the guiding opinions to relax traffic restrictions on urban distribution vehicles that ensure people's livelihood, such as refrigerated transport vehicles, moving distribution vehicles and express mail vehicles. In order to ensure the passage of trucks, some enterprises hope to open up the main passage of trucks or borrow bus lanes to avoid the waste of public resources.
Tied for third place is the full implementation of applying for a pass (code) through 12123. Since the implementation of the online application and issuance policy of pass (code), it has been widely welcomed by the majority of enterprises and truck drivers. However, it is also faced with the problems of inconsistent application conditions, application methods, issuance time limit, use rules and so on.
The fifth is to improve the environment for truck parking and loading and unloading. At present, most cities have not set up special truck parking spaces. Trucks cannot find special parking spaces or temporary parking loading and unloading sites around commercial facilities, offices, residential communities and production enterprises. Trucks cannot park after entering the area during the traffic restriction period. The cost of occupying bus parking spaces is high, and roadside temporary parking violations often lead to fines.
With the popularity of truck navigation, some enterprises hope to facilitate the query of traffic ban and restriction information through truck navigation. At present, Jinan and other cities vigorously promote truck route navigation, but it accounts for a small proportion in the sample cities. By cooperating with the truck navigation frequently used by distribution drivers, we can push the traffic restriction policy to drivers more quickly and accurately, strengthen prompt guidance, facilitate driver query, avoid entering the traffic restriction road by mistake, and accurately guide the traffic of trucks in cities. At the same time, it can also get through the connection between urban truck pass (code) and truck navigation, so as to facilitate the distribution driver to directly jump to the landing application service.
Other enterprises hope to completely cancel the traffic restrictions on new energy distribution vehicles. In 2021, the Ministry of transport issued the circular on naming 16 cities including Tianjin as "green freight distribution demonstration cities". Seven cities including Tianjin, Suzhou, Xiamen, Changsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu were shortlisted as the first batch of "green freight distribution demonstration cities", which is an important highlight for the traffic policy of new energy distribution vehicles.

In terms of truck traffic on expressways and national and provincial roads, the most needed traffic policy for enterprises is the preferential policy of halving the toll of empty vehicles on expressways. More than 70% of enterprises choose this policy measure, reflecting the overall consensus and policy expectations of industry enterprises. It is understood that with the adjustment of charging mode, a large number of empty vehicles choose to take national and provincial roads, and the traffic volume of highway trucks has declined, which has reduced the income of highway companies to a certain extent and caused idle waste of highway assets.
The second is to continue to strengthen the management of oil theft and vehicle goods theft. At present, after several rounds of special rectification, such phenomena have improved significantly in some high incidence areas, but they still occur from time to time.
The third most popular policy is to expand the scope of green channels for agricultural products. There are different requirements for the identification scope and transportation status of fresh and live agricultural products, and there are still no understanding and disputes about whether refrigerated and frozen products can be added and the mixed loading of various agricultural products. In addition, enterprises report that the green channel reservation process is cumbersome, many individual drivers do not know the reservation channel, on-site inspection takes time, the process is not standardized, and it is difficult to resolve disputes in time.
The guarantee of truck parking space on expressway is also a policy concerned by enterprises. At present, most of the parking lots in the expressway service area mainly serve private cars, and there are few parking spaces for trucks. Especially in the peak period of night rest, trucks cannot enter the service area for parking. With the tightening of law enforcement for fatigue driving, drivers cannot enter the service area to stop and rest, resulting in overtime driving will face high punishment results. Therefore, the Ministry of transport issued the notice on Further Strengthening the truck parking service in the highway service area, which targeted to improve the truck parking service level in the highway service area, causing the expectation of industry enterprises.
The treatment of vehicle overrun and overload is still one of the most concerned policies of enterprises. At present, the problem of highway overload has been basically curbed, but the problem of vehicle over length, over width and over height is still common. According to the three-year action plan for model standardization, the treatment plan for out of gauge transportation has not been issued yet. The problem of out of gauge transportation in the whole industry has occurred in some fields. The volume of vehicles equipped with "super large box" is more than twice that of compliant models, and there are safety risks of brake failure, line of sight occlusion and vehicle rollover. At the same time, some illegal enterprises drilled loopholes in the rules of temporary license plates for trucks, and illegally modified out of gauge vehicles applied for temporary license plates to pass on the road, avoiding vehicle and safety supervision. The overload problem of national and provincial roads rebounded due to fewer overload control checkpoints and inadequate allocation of law enforcement personnel, resulting in the phenomenon of "bad money expelling good money". In addition, considering that "large ton and small standard" are common, the traffic standard of two axle blue truck expressway is temporarily treated according to the 18 ton traffic standard of two axle yellow truck, resulting in a large number of "large ton and small standard" vehicles entering the expressway, which seriously affects the normal operation of compliant vehicles.
In addition, enterprises look forward to deepening joint highway law enforcement. At present, China's road freight market only implements the joint law enforcement system for overload control. For other road law enforcement, the public security and transportation departments still enforce the law separately. There is no mutual recognition and information communication in law enforcement. There are still overlapping functions, absence of law enforcement and repeated law enforcement. According to the investigation report on the employment status of truck drivers in 2021 issued by China Federation of logistics and procurement, 62.4% of drivers believe that the highway law enforcement procedures are not standardized and the standards are not clear. 52.3% of the drivers believed that there was a phenomenon of multiple law enforcement and multiple penalties for one matter.

6、 Logistics land
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises reflect that the overall logistics land is tight, and the problem of difficult and expensive land needs to be solved urgently. According to the survey data, about 60% of the surveyed enterprises involved in warehousing business said that the warehousing rent was basically the same as that of the previous year, and 24.5% of the surveyed enterprises reported that the warehousing rent had increased compared with the previous year.


The storage and land support policies most needed by enterprises rank first in the land use tax relief and real estate tax relief policies for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises.
The second is to reduce the tax contribution requirements of logistics land for logistics enterprises. At present, all localities have too high requirements for the investment intensity and tax contribution of logistics land. The tax contribution of logistics land in the first and second tier cities is more than 500000 per mu every year, which cannot be realized by logistics business alone. In recent years, enterprises have reported that it is not only difficult to add new land, but also the current useful land is required to be vacated due to insufficient tax contribution. A large number of storage facilities have to be eased away from cities or other cities, increasing urban distribution costs and emergency security risks.
The third land support policy is to provide phased rent reduction policies for warehouses of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. At present, small and micro enterprises in the service industry renting state-owned houses can enjoy the rent reduction policy, but it is not clear whether enterprises renting warehouses can enjoy the policy.
In recent years, the supply of logistics land in large and medium-sized cities has been reduced year by year, and most land control regulations do not fully consider the supply of logistics land. The survey shows that most cities do not have a separate classification of logistics land, and the proportion standard of logistics storage land is not clear in the land regulations, which makes it difficult to obtain land indicators. The supply of land in the first line is seriously reduced year by year, especially in the second line, which is difficult to meet the social demand. Some cities have shortened the service life of logistics land, weakening the enthusiasm of enterprises for investment. The new logistics land also faces the limitation of plot ratio, which makes it impossible to build high-rise warehouses, which is not conducive to the intensive and economical use of land. In addition, new commercial facilities and residential communities lack supporting facilities such as internal distribution facilities and terminal outlets, which seriously affects the supply of urban logistics services. Enterprises hope to reasonably arrange the land for urban internal distribution facilities and ensure the land for logistics terminal outlets.
Enterprises reported that if logistics enterprises transform and upgrade old storage facilities, land transfer fees still need to be charged for allocated land. The existing old factories, warehouses and land resources of industrial enterprises are not fully utilized and cannot be converted to land for logistics facilities. A large number of freight stations are formed spontaneously, often belonging to collective land, industrial land and other non logistics land, and can not be invested in transformation and upgrading. In addition, it is difficult to replace the old storage facilities in the city after demolition, which is often far away from the city, resulting in high distribution costs. For example, due to the demolition of the originally leased logistics park, an enterprise in Beijing moved its warehouse from within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing to Baoding, Hebei, and the transportation mileage increased to five times, which not only increased the distribution cost, but also made it difficult to ensure the freshness of goods.


7、 Innovation support
The overall investment of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises in digital transformation is insufficient. Survey data show that 22% of small and medium-sized enterprises do not have digital investment and face the problem of "no money to transfer". As the digital transformation continues to affect the industry, small and medium-sized enterprises are also changing their ideas and increasing investment. According to the survey data, 31.3% of enterprises' investment in digital transformation increased, and 42.8% of enterprises' investment was generally flat. At present, the application cost of new generation information technology such as Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain is still high, and the transformation or replacement cost of hardware equipment is also high. The after tax profit margin of logistics enterprises is about 4%, and the transformation cost is high.


At present, digital transformation has become a new driving force for the transformation and upgrading of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. According to the survey data, improving quality, reducing cost and increasing efficiency are the main driving factors for the digital transformation of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises. In addition, the digitization of the upstream customer industry will speed up the digitization of animal flow. If it can not meet the needs of customers, it can not realize interconnection, and can only be eliminated by the market. As a high-risk industry, strengthening security is also a profound change brought to the industry by digital transformation.


In recent years, the digital transformation of logistics industry has accelerated. By the end of 2021, there were 1968 online freight platform enterprises in China, integrating 3.6 million social scattered transport capacity, and nearly 70 million waybills were completed in the whole year. A large number of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises release demand, match transactions and look for transportation capacity through the online freight platform, so as to radiate the economic vitality of the platform. However, it also faces problems such as disorderly capital expansion, unfair competition and industry monopoly, which affects the rights and interests of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

The sharing economy has a profound impact on the industry. At present, 7 million heavy trucks of 12 tons and above have been installed with satellite positioning system and fully connected to the Internet. The characteristics of individual operation, scattered supply and demand and large demand scale are suitable for exploring a new resource sharing model of "separation of ownership and use right". However, enterprises report the lack of public digital transformation service support. 61.7% of enterprises reported that they most need to provide dynamic tracking of logistics vehicles, and 38.9% of enterprises reported that they most need logistics warehouse resource information services. Vehicles and warehouse resources are important means of production in the logistics field. Logistics Internet platforms such as network freight platform have made some exploration in promoting the "separation of ownership and use right", but there are still some problems, such as insufficient information sharing, incomplete separation of two rights, unreasonable distribution of benefits between platforms and enterprises, and non opening of government public data.

Small, medium-sized and micro enterprises still face the digital divide, and there are problems such as "dare not turn", "can not turn" and "can not turn". A number of Internet platform enterprises have developed digital connection, process transformation, mode reorganization, refueling, parking, maintenance and other digital post market services for the digital transformation of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, but they also face the problems of insufficient market efficiency and weak platform empowerment. Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises often have the characteristics of regional agglomeration. With the acceleration of industrial upgrading and the shortage of logistics land, small, medium-sized and micro enterprises turn from offline to online, lacking digital transformation guidance and platform enabling support.

At present, the "Internet + government service" has been vigorously promoted, which has achieved positive results in facilitating the operation of small, medium and micro enterprises. Enterprises reported that the government services for the convenience of transportation need to be promoted, including government services such as enterprise business license, annual examination and annual inspection. As well as vehicle enterprise personnel qualification certificate verification, traffic violation online query and batch processing services need to be promoted.


8、 Fair competition
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises still face more fair competition problems of unequal rights, unequal opportunities and unequal rules.
Nearly half of the enterprises reported that the failure to realize price linkage due to the rise of costs such as oil price is the biggest unfair problem. In 2021, the price of refined oil continued to rise, especially after the second half of 2021, the price of refined oil rose rapidly, and the retail price limit of refined oil in the whole year showed a pattern of "14 rises, four falls and four strandings". Among them, the price of diesel increased by 1835 yuan per ton compared with the beginning of the year. From the perspective of the wholesale price of local refining widely used in the industry, it rose sharply by 38.8% in a single month in October, with a total increase of 2 yuan per liter. According to the calculation of 2200 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou and 35 liters of oil per 100 kilometers, the oil cost of a single trip will be increased by about 1540 yuan. Affected by this, the actual carrier enterprise has a comprehensive loss situation. Some enterprises with high bargaining power, such as express, raised their freight rates slightly. Most small, medium-sized and micro enterprises basically have no bargaining power and price adjustment mechanism, and are faced with the situation of "losing every day".
The surveyed enterprises believe that freight vehicles cannot fully enjoy the right of way, and there are rules inequality. Including excessive restrictions on stock trucks by environmental protection policies. When formulating vehicle access rules, the urban traffic management department adopts differential management for the right of way of freight vehicles, which does not meet the top-level design requirements of fair competition policy.
The surveyed enterprises believe that there is unfair competition below the cost price in the logistics market, especially in the road freight market. According to the survey report on the employment status of truck drivers in 2021, the freight Internet platform has become an important channel for individual drivers to find sources of goods. For the problems existing in the use of individual drivers' Freight Internet platform, the biggest reflection is the behavior of lowering freight rates. 78.8% of drivers believe that there is the behavior of lowering freight rates, accounting for nearly 80%. This is the same problem for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. Unfair competition below the cost price disrupted the market order, resulting in low profit level of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises and unable to be put into reproduction.
In addition, the overload caused by the low bidding price of the cargo owner is also the main unfair competition problem reflected by the enterprise. At present, the road transport regulations have no relevant institutional constraints on shippers. Due to the overall surplus of the market and the pattern of oversupply, the owner enterprises have the power to lower the freight rate or guide overload to affect the market. Carriers and individual drivers who accept the price have to take the risk of overload. At the same time, it is considered that the phenomenon of "exceeding the limit of good money" and the lack of punishment of bad cars is also an important reason for the "unfair" phenomenon of enterprises, which leads to the decline of "exceeding the limit of good money".

9、 Future development prospects
Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises are relatively pessimistic about the development prospect of the logistics industry in 2022. 30% of enterprises said they were not optimistic compared with the previous year, 17% said they could not judge, 25% said they were the same as the previous year, and only 28% said they were more optimistic.

More than half of the enterprises surveyed reported that the biggest problem restricting the development of the industry is the rapid rise of operating costs, including the continuous increase of cost pressure on energy, manpower, land and capital, the lack of anti risk ability of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and the aggravation of industry losses, which will not ensure the absorption of employment and increase social instability.
Among the surveyed enterprises, the second major problem restricting the development of the industry is the lack of market demand. This is related to the general economic situation and increases the uncertainty of enterprise survival.
Enterprises report that the third major problem restricting development is insufficient funds and difficult financing. The long accounting period and margin requirements of the industry lead to the high capital cost of enterprises.
In addition, the heavy tax burden, low price level, lack of personnel and difficulty in employment are also issues of common concern to enterprises.

10、 Supporting policy suggestions

Small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises are the main body of the logistics market and the new force to ensure the employment of residents. In the next step, there is an urgent need to introduce targeted crisis relief policies and measures to further optimize the business environment of the logistics industry, help small, medium-sized and micro enterprises tide over difficulties and transformation and upgrading, ensure market stability, enhance the resilience of the industrial chain and enhance the competitiveness of the supply chain.

1) In terms of financing promotion
Recommendation 1: encourage the increase of small and micro inclusive loans in the logistics field, and increase the proportion of credit loans such as accounts receivable financing.

Recommendation 2: encourage government financing guarantee institutions to provide financing and credit enhancement support for qualified small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in the logistics industry, expand the guarantee coverage, timely fulfill the compensatory responsibility, and help enterprises renew their loans.

Recommendation 3: relying on the national integrated financing credit service platform, vigorously promote electronic signing, electronic waybill and electronic invoice, carry out pilot demonstration of accounts receivable and movable property financing in the field of transportation logistics, focus on solving the financing difficulties of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in the field of logistics, and clearly require core enterprises to confirm the creditor's rights and debts within 10 days from the date of receiving the confirmation request of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises.

Recommendation 4: relying on industry associations, formulate transaction conditions or rules and standards in the logistics field, and reasonably standardize the agreed time limit of logistics business accounting period and the handling rules of overdue accounts. In case of delay in payment of funds to small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, overdue interest shall be paid.

Recommendation 5: deepen the implementation of the regulations on ensuring the payment of funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, and require organs, institutions and large enterprises to purchase the goods, projects and services of the bid winner, and the relevant contracts with the subcontractor of logistics services of the bid winner shall comply with the provisions of the regulations. If the sub logistics provider subcontracts again, the relevant contracts of the sub logistics provider shall also meet the requirements of the regulations.

2) In terms of tax support
Recommendation 1: extend the term of small and micro inclusive loans and appropriately increase the amount of funds. We will strengthen the automatic extension of loans, and make it clear that loans that meet the renewal conditions will be directly supported by renewal. For truck commercial loans, study the implementation policy of deferred repayment of principal and interest.

Recommendation 2: unify the tax rate of all links of the logistics industry from low. Reduce the value-added tax rate of transportation, unify the value-added tax rate of all links in the logistics field to 6% according to the requirements of three grades to two grades, and realize "one tax rate" in the whole logistics process.

Recommendation 3: exemption from value-added tax for small, medium and micro logistics enterprises for one year.

Recommendation 4: bring the transportation industry into the scope of the plus and minus policy.

Recommendation 5: the enterprise income tax and domestic value-added tax, domestic consumption tax and the accompanying urban construction and maintenance tax realized by small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, as well as the individual income tax paid by individual industrial and commercial households (excluding the individual income tax withheld and paid by them) shall be subject to phased tax deferment.

Recommendation 6: optimize the policy of halving the urban land use tax of logistics enterprises, expand the scope of logistics enterprises, and eliminate the restrictions on the storage of bulk commodities. For taxpayers who have real difficulties in paying real estate tax and urban land use tax, periodic relief shall be given.

Recommendation 7: expand the scope of differentiated toll collection of expressways, formulate strong differentiated toll standards for empty vehicles, and attract empty vehicles to "return" expressways. For the express transportation dominated by light goods dumping, the cold chain and vehicle transport vehicles dominated by one-way are included in the scope of differentiated charging according to vehicle models, and the identification standards of vehicle models are clarified. Build a highway truck toll inquiry system as soon as possible to facilitate users' online inquiry and route selection.

Recommendation 8: promote logistics liability insurance, encourage the reduction of insurance rates for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, prohibit the restriction of compulsory insurance for freight vehicles for various reasons, orderly standardize and reasonably guide the overall management of freight vehicle insurance, and carry out relevant pilot work.

Recommendation 9: combined with the pilot experience of issuing invoices on behalf of the network freight platform, build a transportation industry Invoicing System on behalf of the driver. The driver chooses to issue invoices from the platform or tax agency, and issues invoices independently according to the license plate + taxpayer identification number + collection voucher and amount.

Recommendation 10: comprehensively promote the electronic special invoice for value-added tax in road transportation industry to facilitate the acquisition of electronic invoice.

Recommendation 11: promote the "pay as you go" and "pay as you go" mode for refined oil products. Gas stations should be fully equipped with the ability to issue special VAT invoices and electronic invoices, so as to improve the convenience of obtaining tickets. Open up the enterprise account and refueling account, realize "real-time deposit", and now use the existing.

Recommendation 12: expand the scope of application of the "six taxes and two fees" reduction policy to small and medium-sized logistics enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

3) In terms of employment security

Recommendation 1: continue to implement the policy of periodically reducing the premium rates of unemployment insurance and industrial injury insurance. The social insurance premium rate of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises will be reduced to 10% in stages. For the rural registered residence population employed in the city, the requirements for all types of insurance shall be lifted, and they shall be allowed to participate in endowment insurance and work-related injury insurance, so as to avoid repeated participation in medical and maternity insurance in the place of registered residence and employment. Periodically suspend or postpone the payment of provident fund for small, medium and micro enterprises.

Recommendation 2: continue to implement the post stabilization return policy of inclusive unemployment insurance for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises that do not lay off staff and reduce layoffs, and increase the return proportion of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises to 100%.

Recommendation 3: implement the pre Tax Deduction Policy of training funds. Provide tax support for the purchase of relevant equipment for training. The unemployment insurance fund was used to carry out job stabilization and vocational skills training, and train more than 1 million truck drivers and couriers.

Recommendation 4: support enterprises to improve labor productivity, guide logistics enterprises to implement part-time employment, and study and improve the insurance and payment policy of part-time employment injury insurance.

Recommendation 5: if small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises implement the comprehensive working hour system and irregular working hour system and meet the scope approved by the competent administrative department of labor and social security, they shall adopt the filing system and be exempted from the examination and approval procedures.

Recommendation 6: relying on the freight Internet platform, flexible employment service platform and flexible employment service enterprises, carry out the promotion of industrial injury insurance of new formats, and pay the industrial injury insurance premium according to a certain proportion.

Recommendation 7: shorten the additional driving time for A2 drivers who meet the driving time requirements to less than 1 year, and cancel the provision that A2 drivers are not allowed to tow trailers at high speed during the internship period.

Recommendation 8: refer to the management measures for online car Hailing drivers, allow individual drivers to directly apply for individual vehicle operation license to obtain business qualification, or implement "two licenses in one" for individual drivers.

Recommendation 9: open "online" and "online" business licenses for individual drivers to facilitate individual drivers to obtain business qualifications, carry out special actions, and guide affiliated drivers to become individual drivers with unified rights and responsibilities.

Recommendation 10: for individual drivers without employees, improve the insurance and payment policy of their own industrial injury insurance.

4) In terms of vehicle access

Recommendation 1: treat urban distribution trucks with reference to urban public transport, relax the right of way restrictions on urban distribution vehicles, and limit the travel time of distribution trucks to no more than 4 hours per day. Carry out the pilot of canceling the pass of urban distribution vehicles, build a public service platform for urban distribution, and allow distribution vehicles that meet the requirements of vehicle models and technical specifications to pass, park and load and unload according to the specified time and route.

Recommendation 2: with reference to the regulation of highway height and width limitation facilities and check points, the policy of traffic prohibition and restriction in urban areas shall be cleaned up. If it continues to be retained, the reasons shall be explained, it shall be publicized in the province, and online query shall be realized through truck navigation.

Recommendation 3: relax the traffic restriction standard for urban passing trucks from 4.2m blue light trucks to allow medium-sized yellow trucks to pass, reasonably guide the replacement of "large ton and small standard" vehicles with compliant standard models, and introduce the recall and withdrawal compensation policy for stock trucks that fail to meet the annual review of "large ton and small standard".

Recommendation 4: relax traffic restrictions on refrigerated transport vehicles, moving distribution vehicles, express mail vehicles, urban distribution vehicles and other urban distribution vehicles that ensure people's livelihood.

Recommendation 5: establish the concept that urban distribution is an integral part of urban public transport, and study the policy of promoting large and medium-sized cities to establish the main passage for trucks or allow the use of bus lanes.

Recommendation 6: comprehensively promote the online application of pass (code), and unify the application conditions, application methods, issuance time limit, use rules and other requirements. For vehicles that really need to pass during peak hours, a temporary pass application channel shall be provided.

Recommendation 7: scientifically plan and set up temporary and special freight parking spaces around main commercial facilities, offices, residential communities and production enterprises. Urban distribution trucks are allowed to stop at the side of the road for a short time (30 minutes), which is not handled in accordance with regulations.

Recommendation 8: for new energy logistics vehicles, completely cancel the pass and urban traffic restrictions, and give full right of way. Provide subsidies for the elimination, renewal and operation of new energy distribution trucks, strengthen the supporting guarantee of charging facilities for new energy distribution trucks, and give preferential electricity charges. At the same time, avoid the "one size fits all" treatment of fuel trucks.

Recommendation 9: strengthen the cooperation with drivers in high-frequency truck navigation, and carry out cooperation in pushing urban traffic ban and restriction information, applying for link pass (code), guiding special temporary parking spaces for trucks, and querying the location of driver's home.

Recommendation 10: deepen the differentiated toll policy of expressway, halve the toll preference for empty vehicles, attract empty vehicles to return to expressway, and study the toll compensation mechanism of road producers.

Recommendation 11: further clarify the "green channel" policy, expand the catalogue of fresh and live agricultural products, and include refrigerated and frozen agricultural products in the catalogue.

Recommendation 12: strengthen the supply of truck parking spaces, scientifically adjust the proportion of parking spaces, strengthen the reconstruction and expansion of parking spaces, and improve the efficiency of truck parking. In the service area with large truck flow, truck parking spaces shall be appropriately increased to enhance the service capacity. In the service area with a large number of freight cars at night, the passenger car space can be temporarily adjusted to ordinary freight car space.

Recommendation 13: create a safe parking environment, strengthen parking monitoring services, strengthen patrols in parking areas and crack down on car theft. The theft of truck oil and goods in the highway service area will be included in the special rectification scope of "eliminating underworld and evil" in the field of transportation.

Recommendation 14: specify the responsibilities of cargo owners and shippers in the road transport Ordinance and control overload from the source. It is strictly prohibited for the owner or freight forwarder to pay the freight below the cost price, resulting in the driver's overload and over limit transportation. Bring the owner enterprises and freight forwarders into the scope of "one excess and multiple penalties" and implement joint punishment.

Recommendation 15: strengthen the punishment of overload control. In addition to the deduction of points for fines, increase the illegal cost by banning employees from entering, revoking licenses, joint punishment and so on.

Recommendation 16: extend the joint law enforcement mechanism of highway overrun and overload to more areas of highway law enforcement, formulate a comprehensive administrative law enforcement list of highway law enforcement, and clarify the division of labor, law enforcement process and punishment standards of highway law enforcement departments. Gradually change the traditional administrative punishment from "money" to "points". Increase the investment in off-site law enforcement such as non-stop dynamic weighing and intelligent measurement, and improve the law enforcement basis of off-site law enforcement. Strengthen the sharing and mutual recognition of law enforcement information across departments and consolidate the responsibilities of law enforcement departments.

Recommendation 17: coordinate and solve the problem of over limit vehicles applying for temporary license plates on the road, publish the over limit treatment scheme of over long low flat semi-trailer and over long container semi-trailer as soon as possible, further clarify social expectations, reasonably set aside a transition period, ensure "national chess game", and issue relevant fiscal and tax policies to support vehicle renewal and replacement.

Recommendation 18: timely adjust the traffic standard of two axle Blue brand truck expressway, clarify the transition scheme and schedule, gradually transition to the traffic standard of compliant models, and maintain the order of fair competition in the market.

Recommendation 19: make full use of 12328 traffic and transportation service supervision telephone to accept law enforcement and illegal complaints of over limit and overload, and adhere to one thing, one report, one investigation and one response. Relying on the wechat official account of the "Ministry of transport", a nationwide unified complaint and reporting procedure for overload control has been launched to report vehicles, drivers, transport enterprises, loading and unloading yards, shippers and shippers that are overloaded, and push clues to the relevant law enforcement departments for overload control. Relying on industry associations, formulate industry self-discipline conventions on overload and overload, and encourage the strengthening of industry self-discipline.

5) In terms of logistics land

Recommendation 1: reduce the land use tax and real estate tax of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises in stages.

Recommendation 2: innovate the logistics land use mode, pilot the new logistics land supply guarantee mode in which the government and enterprises agree on the land logistics use and long-term lease or government enterprise joint venture, and take the logistics intensity instead of tax contribution as the assessment index.

Recommendation 3: small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises renting state-owned warehouses should enjoy the phased rent reduction policy, and encourage non-state-owned warehouse leasing entities to appropriately lower the warehouse rent on the basis of equal consultation. For warehouse owners whose rent is reduced or exempted, income tax,

house property tax and urban land use tax shall be reduced or exempted in stages.

Recommendation 4: strengthen the legislative guarantee of logistics land and clarify it in the standard for urban land classification and planning and construction land. Scientifically formulate the proportion index of logistics land, promote the connection between urban logistics planning and land space planning, and include the proportion of logistics land into the urban assessment index.

Recommendation 5: for some logistics land with the attribute of public goods, such as common distribution center, terminal network and other logistics land, it should be included in the land for urban public facilities as urban supporting public buildings, so as to solve the problem of difficult and expensive logistics land from the system. Encourage the adjustment and optimization of the plot ratio of logistics land and support the construction of high-rise warehouses.

Recommendation 6: encourage local governments to revitalize the stock of idle land resources for logistics purposes. We will study the investment in the construction or upgrading of logistics facilities and urban distribution and transfer facilities by using old factories, old warehouses, special railway lines, passenger stations, idle railway freight yards and stock land resources of industrial enterprises.

Recommendation 7: cooperate with the reconstruction of old urban areas, clean up and integrate the existing freight logistics facilities, and adjust the nature of land if the nature of land does not meet the needs of urban development. For Facilities Upgrading of state-owned allocated land, it is allowed to retain the nature of allocated land.

6) In terms of innovation support

Recommendation 1: further standardize the logistics Internet platform, guide platform enterprises to reasonably determine service rules such as payment and settlement and platform Commission, and give certain fee support to high-quality small and micro enterprises. The service charges of the platform shall be consistent with the quality and price, fair and reasonable, and shall be negotiated and fully communicated with the operators in the platform on an equal basis, without damaging the order of fair competition.

Recommendation 2: carry out the pilot of smart logistics resource sharing backbone platform, explore the new business format of "separation of ownership and use right" sharing economy, revitalize the idle logistics resources such as vehicles and warehouses, and more open and share resources with small, medium-sized and micro enterprises.

Recommendation 3: support platform enterprises to enable the digital transformation of small, medium-sized and micro logistics enterprises, promote the whole process digital transformation of transportation, warehousing and distribution, encourage platform enterprises to develop and provide products, services and tools suitable for the digital transformation of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and help small, medium-sized and micro enterprises improve quality, increase efficiency and reduce costs. Explore the cooperation between logistics parks and industrial clusters that promote the agglomeration of platform enterprises and small and medium-sized logistics enterprises, and make up for the shortcomings of regional industrial transformation and development.

Recommendation 4: comprehensively improve the function of the integrated government service platform in the field of transportation and logistics, and "do it online" and "do it all through one network" for service matters such as business license, annual review and inspection, qualification verification, illegal query and handling. We will promote government data sharing, process optimization and business collaboration among transportation, public security, industry and information technology, taxation and other departments to facilitate "cross departmental mutual recognition" of information of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises.

7) In terms of fair competition

Recommendation 1:It is suggested to formulate the contract and promote the linkage of oil prices into the market, and strengthen the self-discipline of the industry.

Recommendation 2: further implement the fair competition review system in the field of transportation and logistics, improve the third-party review and evaluation mechanism, promote the cancellation of freight vehicle traffic restrictions, and use digital means to promote the real-time control of freight vehicle traffic in cities.

Recommendation 3: study and implement the shipper's liability and relevant punishment standards. Strengthen industry price supervision, rely on industry associations to release freight index and standard freight table, and prohibit cargo owners or freight forwarders from being lower than the cost.

Recommendation 4: vigorously develop scientific and technological overload control, digital overload control and collaborative overload control, promote the investment of monitoring equipment such as automatic vehicle weighing and intelligent measuring device, standardize off-site law enforcement system, and effectively curb the phenomenon of vehicle overload. Select some places to carry out pilot work of off-site law enforcement and over limit treatment, such as dynamic weighing of national highways and high-speed intelligent measuring methods.

The release time of this report coincides with the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control and smooth logistics. The resumption of work and production of the logistics industry is an important condition for smooth logistics and ensuring the stability of the supply chain. All local governments and departments are welcome to adopt relevant policies and measures for relief.
Source / China Federation of logistics and procurement