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Build a modern circulation system, and the function of Chengdu's international gateway hub leaps again

Release Time:2022-12-12 01:13:08 View:1783

Forwarded from Jinkai Logistics 2022-12-12
Recently, it was learned that the Provincial Development and Reform Commission has recently issued the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Sichuan's "Fourteenth Five Year" Modern Circulation System (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), which clearly proposes to accelerate the construction of a complete, innovative, coordinated and efficient modern circulation system from several aspects, such as deepening the market-oriented reform of modern circulation, improving the modern commercial circulation system, accelerating the development of modern logistics system, and enhancing the carrying capacity of transportation circulation.
Deepen the market-oriented reform of modern circulation
Strive to bring Chengdu into the pilot project of comprehensive reform of national factor market-oriented allocation
In terms of strengthening the construction of the market system, promote the construction of a high standard market system and fully integrate into the national unified market; Implement the negative list system of market access, and implement "no ban, no entry"; Explore the construction of digital asset trading center and deepen the innovative application of data elements; Efforts will be made to include Chengdu in the pilot project of comprehensive reform of national factor marketization.
In terms of optimizing the market access environment, we will implement the reform of "separation of certificates and licenses" to cover all aspects, and continue to promote "One Network" and "One Day"; Improve the level of facilitating the registration of market subjects in the circulation field; We will strengthen data sharing and promote mutual trust, mutual recognition and mutual use of electronic business licenses across departments, industries and fields; The "food business license" (prepackaged food) and "customs declaration enterprise registration" were included in the "multi certificate integration" reform; Continue to implement new systems such as "closure registration".
Improve the modern commercial circulation system
Support Chengdu and other port cities to strive for cross-border e-commerce retail drug import pilot
In terms of improving the modern commerce and trade circulation network, the Implementation Plan proposes to improve the multi-level commerce and trade network, build an efficient urban and rural distribution system, and improve the modern circulation network of agricultural products. In terms of promoting the transformation and integrated development of real business, support large business supermarkets to build a comprehensive information service platform, and make full use of online network and offline store resources for integrated development; Actively develop the first store and first launch economy, and encourage domestic and foreign retail enterprises to open first store brands and launch new global products. Support the brand and chain development of convenience stores.
The Implementation Plan also proposes to vigorously develop commercial circulation enterprises, strengthen backbone commercial circulation enterprises, optimize regional characteristic commercial enterprises, and develop small, medium and micro commercial enterprises. Promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade circulation, promote the connection between domestic and foreign markets, and develop new forms and models of foreign trade, including promoting the layout of overseas warehouses in countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road"; Explore the overseas "agent exhibition" mode; Support Chengdu and other port cities to strive for the pilot project of cross-border e-commerce retail import of drugs.
Accelerate the development of modern logistics system
Accelerate the construction of Chengdu land port type national logistics hub
The Implementation Plan issued this time clearly defines how to build a modern logistics infrastructure network: build a logistics hub network, accelerate the construction of Chengdu land port type, Suining land port type, and Dazhou commercial service type national logistics hubs, actively strive for Chengdu airport type, Luzhou port type, and Panzhihua production service type national logistics hubs to be included in the annual construction list, and actively join the national logistics hub alliance, Create a national logistics hub economic demonstration zone.
Expand new fields and models of logistics services. Develop high-speed rail express transportation, and research and layout high-speed rail freight logistics bases in Chengdu, Guangyuan, Mianyang, etc; Promote the development of smart green logistics, build an integrated supply chain service platform for electronic information, equipment manufacturing, food and beverage, and support the digitalization and online of traditional circulation, logistics enterprise procurement and sales services.
Focusing on cultivating and strengthening the main body of the logistics market, encourage the use of mergers and acquisitions, alliances and cooperation to optimize and integrate resources, cultivate 1-2 leading large-scale logistics enterprises in China, and gradually cultivate 5A level, above designated size and small and medium-sized logistics enterprises.
Develop international aviation logistics. Optimize the international air route network, expand the intercontinental 10 hour and Asian 5 hour flight circles that efficiently connect with the main passenger and freight transport hub routes in the world, and gradually open the whole cargo route. Support Chengdu to increase the frequency of "48+14+30" international air routes and flights at important destinations, implement the supporting policies for the construction of air cargo hubs, and encourage the establishment of base cargo airlines and air cargo transit (distribution) centers. Support the opening and sharing of airport resources in Chengdu and Chongqing, coordinate transport capacity, integrate routes, improve international air transit capacity, jointly operate truck flights, and serve as cargo stations in other places to build a strategic alliance between Chengdu and Chongqing.
Focusing on the expansion of inland international intermodal transport channels, the Implementation Plan deepens the cooperation between Chengdu Chongqing China Europe Express in terms of unified brand, pricing mechanism, overseas operation, market resources, etc. We will promote the construction of a new railway corridor between land and sea in the west, promote the expansion and transformation of container central stations, and accelerate the construction of multimodal transport conversion centers and overseas stations (warehouses). Improve the transportation efficiency of Chengdu Kunming railway corridor, accelerate the construction of Panzhihua logistics hub, fully connect with the China Laos railway, and build a large land transportation corridor from northwest and southwest to China Indochina Peninsula. Optimize the layout of international logistics network, and steadily run China Laos and China Vietnam railway trains. The direct high-frequency train from Chengdu and other hubs to the Beibu Gulf Port will be opened, and the "Guang'an Fangcheng Port", "Luzhou Qinzhou", "Yibin Qinzhou" and other southbound rail sea intermodal trains will be opened, so as to accelerate the formation of the "multi-channel cross-border, multi port transit" international train routes through the Beibu Gulf Port.
Improve water transport and road logistics capacity. We will strengthen innovation in cross-border freight transport modes, steadily operate and expand international road freight direct trains to Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Europe and other regions, and carry out international drop and hook transport pilot projects.
In terms of enhancing port service efficiency, the Implementation Plan proposes to carry out special actions to promote cross-border trade facilitation, and promote the application of customs clearance facilitation measures such as "early declaration", "two-step declaration" and "two-stage access". Support qualified regions to set up open platforms such as comprehensive bonded areas, bonded logistics centers and bonded warehouses. Use intelligent supervision means to simplify business processes and realize direct point-to-point circulation of bonded goods. Coordinate and optimize the measures to improve efficiency and reduce fees at ports in Chengdu Chongqing region and the mode to facilitate customs clearance.
Enhance the carrying capacity of transportation circulation
Build a one hour commuter circle of rail transit in Chengdu metropolitan area
The Implementation Plan enhances the carrying capacity of transportation circulation in terms of building a comprehensive transportation three-dimensional network, improving transportation organization and service level, and promoting the development of intelligent and low-carbon transportation.
In terms of building a comprehensive transportation three-dimensional network, it includes the comprehensive construction of Chengdu Dazhou Wanzhou Railway and Xining Chengdu Railway, accelerating the high-speed railway of Chengdu Chongqing Middle Line, the capacity expansion and reconstruction of Chengdu Longchang Section of Chengdu Chongqing Railway, and the introduction of Sichuan Tibet Railway into Chengdu Terminal Line. Accelerate the construction of the "1+4+N" multi-level integrated comprehensive transportation hub system, strengthen the function of Chengdu as an international comprehensive transportation hub, build national comprehensive transportation hubs such as Luzhou Yibin, Wanzhou Dazhou Kaizhou, Panzhihua, Guangyuan, and cultivate regional comprehensive transportation hubs such as Nanchong Suining Guang'an, Neijiang Zigong, Mianyang, and Leshan.
Promote the "four networks integration" of trunk railways, intercity railways, municipal (suburban) railways and urban rail transit in Chengdu metropolitan area, and build a one hour commuter circle of rail transit. We will implement the expressway expansion and reconstruction project, and accelerate the construction of the main framework network of "three around and 20 radiating" expressways in Chengdu metropolitan area. Promote the construction of the north extension line of Tianfu Avenue and other projects, and improve the traffic efficiency of the road network between neighboring cities, central urban areas and peripheral clusters.
In terms of improving the transportation organization and service level, it includes optimizing the fast connection between multimodal transport hub nodes and trunk transport corridors, as well as the main cargo gathering places, and making efforts to break the bottleneck constraints such as multimodal transport reloading links. We will promote the construction of the "Air+Land" Silk Road International Air Rail Public Multimodal Transport Project and the Western China Automobile Logistics Multimodal Transport Demonstration Project, and strive to add two national multimodal transport demonstration projects. Accelerate the "transit from public transport to water transport" and "transit from public transport to rail transport", and reduce the proportion of long-distance transportation of bulk goods by road.
In terms of promoting the development of intelligent and low-carbon transportation, relying on the Chengdu Chongqing and Suining Chongqing Expressway Expansion Project to build a smart expressway in Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, explore the application of vehicle road coordination and other scenarios in Chengdu Yichang, Ehan and other expressways, carry out the pilot project of all element, full life cycle digital expressway construction in Chengdu Mianyang Expressway, and explore the automatic driving of freight vehicle formation. Improve the layout of charging infrastructure, accelerate the electrification of passenger and cargo vehicles, ships, loading and unloading facilities, and promote the "oil to electricity" equipment.
In addition, the Implementation Plan also clarifies aspects such as strengthening the circulation function of modern financial services, promoting the construction of the credit system in the circulation field, and ensuring the implementation.