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2022 The logistics industry will do so! The focus of the Prime Minister's government work report has come

Release Time:2022-11-16 00:58:28 View:1154

Forwarded from Chinese government website 2022-11-16

At 9 a.m. on March 5 (Saturday), the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the People.

Premier Li Keqiang, on behalf of the State Council, delivered a government work report to the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress.
Most relevant to the logistics industry
Hot Words and Frequency of Mention
Mention "logistics" 3 times
Mention "express" once
Mention "traffic" twice
2 references to "transportation"
1 reference to "circulation"
1 mention of "distribution"
Referred to "overseas warehouse" once
Referred to "e-commerce" twice
Mention "international logistics" once
Referred to "cross-border e-commerce" once
Mention "highway" once
Mention "port" once
1 reference to "sea transportation"
1 reference to "aviation"
Mention "online and offline" once
One reference to "customs clearance facilitation"
Referred to "industrial chain supply chain" three times
5 references to "green"
"Low carbon" mentioned three times
"Carbon peak" mentioned three times
1 mention of "carbon neutralization"
5 references to "infrastructure"
7 references to "tax reduction"
Mention "reduction" for 4 times
3 references to "digitalization"
Mention "intelligence" once
5 references to "collaboration"
11 references to "high quality"
10 references to "manufacturing"
"Integration" mentioned 3 times
Five references to "real economy"
4 references to "service industry"
"Supply side" mentioned twice
Mention "structural" twice
12 references to "numbers"
Referred to "rural revitalization" three times
Three references to the "the Belt and Road"
The "Yangtze River Economic Belt" was mentioned once
Mention "Beijing Tianjin Hebei" once
Mention "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area" once
Referred to "Hainan Free Trade Port" twice
Referred to "Pilot Free Trade Zone" once
Five references to "urbanization"
What has the government done for the development of the logistics industry in 2021?
Over the past year, in the face of complex and severe domestic and international situations and many risks and challenges, the whole country has made joint efforts to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. The main goals and tasks of the year have been well completed, the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" has achieved a good start, and China's development has made new major achievements.
——The economy maintained its recovery and development. The gross domestic product reached 114 trillion yuan, up 8.1%. National fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, up 10.7%. 12.69 million new urban jobs were created, and the average urban unemployment rate was 5.1%. Consumer prices rose 0.9%. The balance of international payments was basically balanced.
——The innovation ability was further enhanced. China's strategic scientific and technological strength accelerated. Enterprise R&D expenditure increased by 15.5%. The integration of digital technology and the real economy has accelerated.
——The economic structure and regional layout continued to be optimized. The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 18.2%, productive service industries such as information technology services developed rapidly, and the resilience of the industrial chain was improved. The regional development strategy was effectively implemented, and the new urbanization was steadily promoted.
——Reform and opening up have been deepened. We launched a number of major reform measures in important areas and key links, and deepened supply side structural reform. New progress was made in the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service". The total number of market players exceeded 150 million. The high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has been steadily advancing. Promote the entry into force and implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The total import and export of goods increased by 21.4%, and the actual use of foreign capital kept growing.
——The living standard of the people has steadily improved. Per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.1% in real terms. The achievements in poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded. The renovation of 56000 old urban residential areas has started, benefiting nearly ten million families.
——Achievements in epidemic prevention and control continued to consolidate. Normalized prevention and control measures were implemented, and the coverage of the whole vaccination process exceeded 85%.
China's economy is still in the process of recovery and development after a serious impact, such as an outbreak of disease. Many new changes have taken place at home and abroad, making it more difficult to keep the economy running smoothly.
Promote economic operation to maintain a reasonable range
We will establish a regular direct access mechanism for financial funds, and bring 2.8 trillion yuan of central financial funds into the direct access scope. We will strengthen supply and price stability for bulk commodities, and work hard to solve the problem of tight supply of coal and electricity.
Optimize and implement the enterprise aid and rescue policy, and consolidate the foundation of economic recovery
Last year, more than 1 trillion yuan of new tax cuts and fee reductions were made, and a phased deferral of taxes and fees was implemented for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry, coal power and heat supply enterprises. Practice shows that tax and fee reduction is a direct and effective way to help enterprises rescue. In fact, it is also a way to "release water to raise fish" and conserve tax sources. Since 2013, the new tax related market entities paid 4.76 trillion yuan last year.
We will strengthen transport support by rail, road, air, sea and port. We will increase credit to enterprises in industries severely affected by the epidemic, continue to implement the policy of deferred repayment of principal and interest and credit loan support for small and micro enterprises. Large commercial banks have increased their loans to small and micro enterprises by more than 40%, and their comprehensive financing costs have steadily decreased.
Deepen reform, expand opening up, and continuously improve the business environment
Deeply implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform. Support the healthy development of private enterprises. The reform of decoupling industry associations and chambers of commerce from administrative organs was basically completed.
Deepen practical cooperation in jointly building the "the Belt and Road". We increased the stability of foreign trade and foreign capital, and successfully held major exhibitions such as the Import Expo, the Canton Fair, the Service Trade Fair and the First Consumer Expo. Four comprehensive pilot projects were added to expand the opening up of the service industry, and new measures were introduced to open Hainan Free Trade Port.
Strengthen innovation guidance and stabilize the industrial chain supply chain
We will expand the autonomy of scientific research. We will continue to implement the policy of additional deduction of R&D expenses, and increase the proportion of additional deduction of R&D expenses of manufacturing enterprises to 100%. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. Carry out the action of strengthening the chain of key industries. The digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries has been accelerated, and emerging industries have maintained a good momentum of development.
Promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions, and constantly optimize the economic layout
We will implement major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies, introduce new support measures, and implement a number of major projects. We will promote urbanization with county towns as an important carrier. We will strengthen agricultural production, ensure the supply of agricultural materials, and provide a one-time subsidy of 20 billion yuan to grain farmers. To promote rural revitalization, 160 key counties for rural revitalization were identified. We will implement the five-year action to improve the rural residential environment.
In 2022, the most relevant
What are the national economic strategic priorities?
The main development targets for this year are: GDP growth of about 5.5%; More than 11 million new urban jobs were created, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate was controlled within 5.5% throughout the year; Consumer prices rose by about 3%; The growth of residents' income is basically synchronized with the economic growth; The stability and quality of imports and exports were improved, and the international balance of payments was basically balanced; The grain output remained above 1.3 trillion jin; The quality of the ecological environment continued to improve, and the discharge of major pollutants continued to decline.
Strive to stabilize the macro economic market and keep the economic operation within a reasonable range
We should make good use of government investment funds to stimulate more effective investment. This year, we plan to arrange 3.65 trillion yuan of special bonds for local governments. We will strengthen performance orientation, adhere to the principle of "funds follow projects", rationally expand the scope of use, support follow-up financing for projects under construction, and start a batch of qualified major projects, new infrastructure, old public facilities and other construction projects. Private investment accounts for a large proportion of investment. We should give full play to the role of major projects as traction and government investment as leverage, improve relevant support policies, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.
The new financial resources should be sunk at the grass-roots level, mainly used to implement the policies of helping enterprises to rescue, stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihood, promoting consumption and expanding demand. This year, central government expenditures will increase by 3.9%, of which central government expenditures will continue to grow negatively. Central government transfer payments to local governments increased by about 1.5 trillion yuan, nearly 9.8 trillion yuan, or 18%, the largest increase in many years.
We will encourage financial institutions to reduce real loan interest rates and fees, so that the majority of market participants can feel the improvement of financing convenience and the real decline of comprehensive financing costs.
Strive to stabilize market entities and ensure employment, and increase the implementation of macro policies
Adhere to the combination of phased measures and institutional arrangements, and carry out tax reduction and refund simultaneously. On the one hand, we will continue to implement tax and fee reduction policies that support manufacturing, small and micro enterprises, and self-employed businesses, and increase the scope of reduction and exemption and expand the scope of application. Small scale taxpayers will be exempted from VAT periodically. For small and micro enterprises with an annual taxable income of 1 million yuan to 3 million yuan, the enterprise income tax will be reduced by half.
All localities should also take effective measures, such as tax reduction and exemption, in accordance with the law, to increase the intensity of tax reduction and fee reduction, so as to stabilize market expectations. On the other hand, considering providing cash flow support for enterprises, promoting consumption and investment, and vigorously improving the VAT rebate system, we will implement a large-scale tax rebate for the amount of VAT retained this year. Priority will be given to small and micro enterprises. The stock tax credits for small and micro enterprises will be refunded in a lump sum before the end of June, and the incremental tax credits will be refunded in full.
We will focus on supporting the manufacturing industry, and comprehensively solve the problem of tax deduction and refund in manufacturing, scientific research and technical services, ecological and environmental protection, power and gas, transportation and other industries. The VAT allowance and rebate were significantly increased to boost market confidence. It is estimated that the annual tax rebate and tax reduction will be about 2.5 trillion yuan, of which about 1.5 trillion yuan will be retained for tax rebate, and all tax rebate funds will go directly to enterprises.
Guide large platform enterprises to reduce charges and reduce the burden of small and medium-sized merchants. We will further standardize the fees charged by industry associations, chambers of commerce, and intermediary agencies. We should carry out special rectification actions against enterprise related charges, establish a coordinated governance and joint disciplinary mechanism, and resolutely investigate and punish arbitrary charges, fines, and apportionments. We should step up efforts to clear up the arrears of small and medium-sized enterprises, standardize the use of commercial acceptance bills, and take the lead in clearing up the arrears of government agencies, public institutions and state-owned enterprises.
We will improve the social security policy for flexible employment, and launch a pilot program to ensure occupational injury in new forms of employment. We will resolutely prevent and correct gender, age and other employment discrimination, and work hard to solve the outstanding problems that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of workers. We will use the 100 billion yuan unemployment insurance fund to support job stabilization and training, accelerate the training of urgently needed talents for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, enable more workers to master a skill, and enable 360 professionals to emerge in large numbers.
Firmly deepen reform, and more stimulate market vitality and endogenous power of development
We will complete the three-year action task of state-owned enterprise reform, accelerate the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets, promote state-owned enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities and businesses, and improve their ability to support and drive the supply chain of the industrial chain.
Deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy and consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy
We will strengthen the implementation of the policy of additional deduction for research and development expenses, increase the proportion of additional deduction for small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises from 75% to 100%, implement tax incentives for enterprises to invest in basic research, improve policies such as accelerated depreciation of equipment and equipment, and income tax incentives for high-tech enterprises, which is equivalent to large-scale financial support for enterprise innovation.
Strengthen the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. We will promote the smooth operation of the industrial economy, strengthen the supply of raw materials, key components, etc., implement the chain stability project for leading enterprises, and maintain the safety and stability of the industrial chain supply chain. We will guide financial institutions to increase medium - and long-term loans to the manufacturing industry. We will launch a number of industrial infrastructure reconstruction projects, promote the upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and implement the national strategic emerging industry cluster project. Promote the construction of a quality power, and promote the industry to move towards the middle and high-end.
Build digital information infrastructure, promote 5G large-scale application, promote industrial digital transformation, and develop smart cities and digital villages. We will accelerate the development of industrial Internet, foster and expand digital industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence, and improve the technological innovation and supply capacity of key software and hardware.
Firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and promote coordinated regional development and new urbanization
Smooth the national economic cycle, get through all links of production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and enhance the driving force of domestic demand for economic growth.
Promote the deep integration of online and offline consumption, promote the recovery of life service consumption, and develop new forms and models of consumption. We will continue to support the consumption of new energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to carry out green smart home appliances in the countryside and trade in the old for the new. Strengthen the construction of county business system, develop rural e-commerce and express logistics distribution. We will improve the quality of our products and services, strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests, and work hard to meet the needs of the people and increase their willingness to consume.
We will build key water conservancy projects, a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, important energy bases and facilities, speed up the renovation of urban gas pipelines and other pipe networks, improve flood control and drainage facilities, and continue to promote the construction of underground comprehensive pipe corridors. The central government has allocated 640 billion yuan for investment within its budget.
We will promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, build Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality, and support the construction of Beijing's urban sub center. Promote the coordinated development of the East, Central, West and Northeast regions, and support industrial gradient transfer and regional cooperation.
Vigorously do a good job in agricultural production and promote the overall revitalization of rural areas
Support the development of characteristic industries in poverty free areas, strengthen labor cooperation and vocational skills training, and promote the continuous income increase of poverty free people. We will strengthen support measures for key counties in the country's rural revitalization, provide follow-up support for relocation, deepen cooperation between the east and the west, provide targeted assistance, and help from social forces, and enhance the self-development capacity of poverty relief areas.
Expand high-level opening up and promote the steady development of foreign trade and foreign capital
We will take multiple measures to stabilize foreign trade. We will expand the coverage of export credit insurance for small, medium-sized and micro foreign trade enterprises, strengthen export credit support, optimize foreign exchange services, accelerate export tax rebates, and help foreign trade enterprises stabilize orders and production. Accelerate the development of new forms and models of foreign trade, give full play to the role of cross-border e-commerce, and support the construction of a number of overseas warehouses. We will actively expand imports of high-quality products and services. Innovate and develop service trade and digital trade, and promote the implementation of the negative list of cross-border service trade. We will deepen the reform of customs clearance facilitation, accelerate the construction of the international logistics system, and help foreign trade reduce costs and improve efficiency.
We will steadily promote the construction of the pilot free trade zone and Hainan Free Trade Port, promote the reform and innovation of the development zone, improve the development level of the comprehensive bonded zone, and add more comprehensive pilot projects to expand the opening up of the service industry. The open Chinese market will certainly provide more opportunities for enterprises from all countries to develop in China.
High quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road". We will continue to work together to build and share, consolidate the foundation of connectivity cooperation, and steadily expand new areas of cooperation. We will promote the construction of new land and sea corridors in the west. We will orderly carry out overseas investment cooperation and effectively prevent overseas risks.
The regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement has formed the largest free trade area in the world. We should support enterprises to make good use of preferential tariffs, cumulative origin and other rules to expand trade and investment cooperation.
Continuously improve the ecological environment and promote green and low-carbon development
We will orderly promote carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. Implement the carbon peak action plan. We will promote the planning and construction of large-scale wind and solar power bases and their supporting regulatory power sources, and improve the absorptive capacity of the grid for renewable energy power generation. We will promote the R&D, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, build a green manufacturing and service system, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, building materials and other industries. We will resolutely curb the blind development of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. We will promote the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of total carbon emissions and intensity, improve incentive and restraint policies for reducing pollution and carbon, and accelerate the formation of a green production and lifestyle.
In national defense and army building
We will accelerate the construction of a modern military logistics system and a modern asset management system for the armed forces, build a modern management system for weapons and equipment, continue to deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, strengthen scientific and technological innovation in national defense, deepen the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the armed forces with talents in the new era, promote the rule of law and strict management of the armed forces, and promote high-quality development of the armed forces.
At present, the global epidemic is still continuing, the world economy lacks the impetus for recovery, commodity prices fluctuate at a high level, and the external environment is becoming more complex, severe and uncertain. China's economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks and weakening expectations. all